
I am buying new skis and i was wondering about the appropriate height for me.?

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I am 5'7". As i said before i am buying skis. i am probably buying the scratch sprayers. They are twin tips. The smallest height they have is 168. do you think i will be okay with that?




  1. Length depends on use. Generally you want shorter skis for the terrain park and longer skis for the mountain. I'm 5'8", have 159's, 169's, and 178's. The 59 and 69 work fine in the park, although the 69's aren't great for rails (i hate rails anyways), they work fine with the jumps, provide stability. haven't used the 78's yet (lib tech nas). If you're buying these skis for general all-mountain use, the length is fine, if you're buying for pure park look for something in the 50's. Good luck.

  2. the skis should reach your eyes to be the right length if they don't they are not right. I suggest that you get a smaller ski if you are doing rails and spending your time in the park because then you would be able to do tricks more easier because It would be light enough.

    Hope this Helped :)

  3. It's AnDrew is completely correct. Fine for alpine skiing, a tad long for the terrain park.

  4. that is just a little too much ski for you but good deal cause you will grow into them good luck wit em


  5. I just wanted to say that Andrew is completely correct....

  6. Without your skill level, it's hard to say for sure, but I think they are too big for you from your height alone.  They are only 3 cm shorter than you are tall.

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