
I am chair of a committee, and one member is insane.?

by  |  earlier

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She is literally a nut-case, and I am a counselor who is qualified to say so.

But how can I deal with her and her insane drama, and maintain the morale of the other members...we can't kick her off (yet).




  1. You say you are a counselor but you don't know how to deal with a mentally ill person. I'd be asking for a refund from where ever you got your training.

  2. First things first- calm down.  Literally a nut-case??  Is that an industry term?  Just kidding.  If you are the chair of the committe kick her a$$ out.  If she's demoralized everyone then it shouldn't be hard to rally the troops against her.  Or, you could talk to her and explain that she isn't helping and point out the damage that she's done (remaining calm and assertive the whole time).  Granted she probably flip right then and there.  Now that is not a bad thing if you maintain a "level" head and demonstrate that her behaivor is determental to the solidarity and purpose of the committee and move to have her removed.  Expect her to do nutty things and have a plan to counter act that.  Think of it as a chess game. Worst case scenario if she does flip and does something insane then call the cops and have her arrested.  Let her know (prior to calling the cops) that if she doesn't act like an adult that you will call the cops and press charges.  If that escalates further, file for a restraining order.  Being a counselor that is qualified to assess someone's nuttiness (LOL-sorry) then it shouldn't be hard to build a case that she needs help.  Of course you could abuse your position and have her so embroiled in the system that she'll forget all about the committee because she'll have no choice because she'll be sitting in a padded room.  Or, you could quit, but from the sounds of it you, her, and the other members of this committee joined to help people/a cause/ etc.  and show a little humanity and help her as well.  

  3. assign her a complex task - that if it isn't done, won't hurt anything important.

  4. WOW a crazy maker on your hands hey?

    Someone with no basic trust and total disappointment with everyone?

    How to keep yourself safe around a are obviously being given an opportunity to upskill in your counselling techniques, and to grow in wisdom!

    Well, of course, you need to be well centred, good with your assertiveness skills, negotiation skills, learning to let her response to your Brief, Gentle, Early, Specific and Consequential remarks, be her response, but most of all not indulging her "naughtiness", remaining calm and dignified and fair in the face of the abuse, which is what you only ever get, she is running on "survival kits", things she uses to cope with life with.

    All the best, but when she had played enough  mind games, she may give up being on the board, if you all learn to let her problems remain her problems.


  5. Roberts Rules of Order, prepared agenda, sub-tasks....maybe make her the secretary...hard to talk and take notes at the same time.  And if she's like those I've met in the past, if you assign her something she probably won't come through, so give her deadlines, ask her to present a plan of what you assign her.....last resort, change the meeting time and accidently forget her on the distribution list.  Good luck, don't let her get to you...there is one in every committee.....

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