
I am changing my single head shower into a double head ???

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I am remodelling my bathroom, and currently have a single head shower. I have opened up all the floors and removed the old shower. If i put a two shower head by splitting the 1/2" copper pipe, will the water pressure still remain good? Or shall i go back to where the 3/4" pipe is and split it from there? Also i wanted to add some jets in the shower, is it even possible to do and keep and the pressure high and how so?




  1. For each fixture you add to the water line, you will lose pressure. I wouldn't even try it without going back to the 3/4" line.

  2. To keep water pressure 3/4 line is the key. Also shower heads with smaller holes.Don't to forget to put in a toe tester. Thats just a regular tub faucet set at about 1 1/2  ft. to 2 ft. That way when water is right temperature you pull up lever and shower is perfect.

  3. Go back to the 3/4 inch pipe and run a 1/2 inch pipe to each shower head.  Jets would be okay if they are fed by their own 1/2 inch pipe.

  4. the more heads u run off of the 1/2 line the pressure will get weaker...u could install a buster pump to the water system getting the pressure from 40 psi up to 70+ psi, but cost about 2000 dollars

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