
I am chemistry teacher seeking employment in a school district that has invested in laptops for all students.?

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In my last 2 interviews I got asked how I integrate technology in the classroom. What kind of software should I be aware of before I go for my next interview? Is there anything special I should know about implementing this?




  1. I think it would impress them if you were aware of all of the wonderful chemistry websites that are available.  They're quite useful in teaching, & interesting for students.  Here's the first 5 listed on my source, LEARNNC.  LEARNNC is a division of the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  UNC-CH is the #28 university, nationwide.  They list 143 chem sites.  :)

    (I'm a former teacher.) Hope this helps.

  2. Tell them that you will be able to put up notes on powerpoint presentations (and thus could be shared to students or given to anyone who has missed a day).  You can also teach with powerpoint presentations by typing slides that go along with your lecture and then just projecting them onto the white board or screen. (Powerpoint is good because you can have little animations happen and make it look better/more entertaining than just writing on the board, or simple transperencies.)

    Most college professors (including chemistry ones, I've taken inorganic and organic chem) use powerpoint slides, at the very least just to give step by step explanations to sample problems.

  3. No i dont think so.  I think they just wanna know that technology is something YOU can use, i dont think its for the kids.  i think that you should tell them that you put student notes in the form of powerpoints or that you use interactive websites on the internet for review and stuff like that.  i think they just want a teacher who is not still using the chalk board.

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