
I am circumcised but my f******n still covers half of my head when soft?

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and when i am hard, the skin goes up to the bottom of my head, so there is still lose skin. i think I'm lucky to have lose skin to move when I'm masturbating because they say that guys who aren't circumcised get more pleasure during s*x and masturbation.

if I'm circumcised why do i have so much lose skin, not that im not happy with it cuz i am very happy with my f******n, i think it looks better the having non at all.

who else is like me? and what do you think?




  1. some doc's circumcised boys this way for some reason Im not sure why. either you cut a boy or leave it alone preferably cut him.

  2. You're lucky in that you still have some f******n left, as you said.

    Most circumcisions result in very tight erections, some are so tight as to be painful and distort the erections.

    Circumcision isn't an exact procedure.    You will see some guys whose circumcision scars go halfway down the shaft, nowhere near the f******n.    Should you ever desire to restore your f******n for full coverage, you have a head start.

    I was circumcised as an infant, and this resulted in more than the usual nerve damage and loss of sensitivity.     I could never achieve o****m in nomal s*x.    I'm restoring my f******n and the increased sensitivity and orgasmic intensity are wonderful--more than I ever dreamed possible.

    In a way I'm like you in that I have a partial f******n at present, and don't have full time coverage of the glans yet.  

    I think that you're extremely lucky in that you have more sensitivity, more skin mobility and a more normal appearance than the average circumcision.

    If you want full glans coverage, you can manually tug your f******n on a daily basis, which will gradually over months stretch out the skin for more complete coverage and increased sexual sensitivity.

    The best of luck to you.

  3. That's just the way you were circumcised.  I had problems growing up because I was cut too tightly, so I'm glad you are the way you are.  I don't really think that your situation can compare sensitivity-wise to an uncut guy though.  I think that maybe you have the best of both worlds.  

  4. It is what is called a loose circumcision. Depending on the country you live in and whether you where circumcised as a baby or when you where older depends on the circumcision. Loose circumcisions are common in the UK and if you where circumcised when you where older. You will find that as you grow it will reduce.  

  5. Though I'm a girl, I know it's perfectly normal for this to be the case. Since you have loose f******n, then you're at less of a risk for having f******n problems down the road. Yes, it is true that uncircumcised males have more pleasure during s*x and masturbation because the p***s is already sensitive because of the skin that's constantly covering it and when the skin move rythmically over the sensitive p***s, it increases the pleasure. This is fine and glad you are happy. Hope this helps.

  6. This may not be popular but I feel sorry for you. The purpose of a circumcision is to remove the f******n that covers all or a part of the head (glans). Until relatively recently boys who were circumcised were all cut right back so that no skin covers even a part of the glans. Obviously your doctor chose not to take off enough f******n and thus until you do something about it you will be a 'droopy fellow'.

    Circumcision makes cleanliness ever so much easier,.It prevents infections and f******n problems and to us girls it makes the p***s streamlined, neat and s**y! Guys at 'half mast' are not cool. Think about getting it all cut off.

    Your biggest s*x organ is your brain. A little extra skin does nothing for your s*x life or being more sensitive - that is a falsehood spread by the anticircumcisers. (There is no scientific study that shows an uncirumcised male to have a more sensitive p***s). Neither my neatly, fully circumcised guy nor I would want him to be any more sensitive! (He'd die!)

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