
I am comfortable in my belief so Darth Garcia bring it on what is your evidence?

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I pray for all of you who refuse to believe the truth when its right in front of you. If God does not exist who answers your prayers? Who brings you through your problems tragedies etc? What do you have faith in?

Where do your blessings come from ?( I shutter to think).

For those of you who feel the prophecies are not coming true just look around you because they are being fulfilled everyday. Jesus will not return until the whole world has heard the Good News of Jesus Christ and have been given the choice to accept it or reject it. It is however getting closer than you think the rocks won't cry out for me but I will keep praying that they will not cry out for you in the end either. No matter how you deny him Jesus still loves you and so do I my heart goes out to all of you who refuse to believe it would be so much easier if you would just have faith. You sit in a chair and believe it will hold you before you sit down. You feel the air but you don;t see it, you see only the results of its presence. There is a lot of results of the presence of Jesus yet you refuse to believe. Satan release your hold and the rest of you,

Be Blessed

hope I haven't broken any community rules but I could not find out how to answer any of you who answered me. There was no answer this question button.




  1. You poor mislead fool. There is no God; no garden of Eden, no super power up there whom is responsible for your being here.

    The Dinosaurs were around for millions of years, and died out millions of years before humans started to develop. What were they then? Your so called Gods little trial run.

    The human race is just a short interlude in the history of this planet. Just arrived in the terms of time, and soon to disappear, to be forgotten.  

  2. I respect your beliefs so respect others. I don't have to believe in anything you say. I am an independent religious figure, that respects other peoples beliefs because I believe in all of them accept Aethiest.  

  3. Keep your mind open. Humans have to have at least a little proof for a religion, am I right? What discovery channel, sometimes they have things on different religions, and they collect proof. Go ahead, you will learn some stuff to.

  4. I totally beilive in god and jesus christ but  I beilive in that god made other things out there but almost all these things on here god made and god woudn't wont you to put pressure on people to beilive him and accept him he would want us to accept hi our selves

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