
I am concerned about my 5 yr. olds mental health?

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My daughter for some reason has been acting out for like 3 yrs now. I am getting really concerned now. A few hrsago my neighbor came an told me that my 5 yr old daughter killed her cat by throwing a brick at it. My daughter said that she was trying to wake it up and hit it with a brick. She also acts out in many other ways like hanging all over strangers like she has known them for years. Me and my wife give her a lot of attention what could be going wrong. Can you get a mental evaluation of a 5 year old and how accurate is it.




  1. why don't you ask people who really know about these things......I mean why not consult the PROS she sounds like she is NUTS to me...................and if my answer offended you.......then maybe you should have consulted the PROS know what i mean............I am beginning to get some idea what went wrong with you GIRL

    ABORTION should not only be LEGAL it should be MANDATORY in some cases

  2. That's really scary. Maybe you can go to a family counselor and get their opinion on whether she needs an evaluation or what needs to happen. Good luck!

  3. I would definitely take her to a psychological evaluation. My guess is she's just being an unusually outspoken and extroverted 5 year old. However, she could have emotional problems like an imbalance. I see this alot in older children who are unusually hyper, immature and emotionally unstable. whatever you NOT confront her about it. She will think she is different in a bad way and continue to act out in the same or worse way.

    Good luck

  4. It is difficult to evaluate a child that young as they are going though a lot developmentally at this age, however the experiences you described are definitely atypical and should be looked into further. If your child in in a public school mention your concerns to her school counselor. They will advise you on how best to handle the situation and most likely offer you some free evaluations though the school district. However, if you child is not in school, your best option may be to contact a mental health agency yourself, possibly a child psychologist or a counselor who works exclusively with children.

  5. You could certainly have that done.  I would suggest taking her to a Child Psychologist.  They will be able to evaluate her behavoir as well as possibly have sessions with her to see about changing her behavior or where it is deriving from.  They are usually very helpful and accurate.  My little brother went for the first time when he was 4 with behavioral problems and it helped him a lot.  Good luck!

  6. I would make appointments with a psychologist and a neurologist, possibly developmental as well.  There is something going on with her.  An evaluation at this age may or may not be accurate.  If you do not agree with it, get a second opinion.  Especially if they are talking meds.  The acting out could be several things, it is extreme and you will come away from the specialist with a diagnosis, and the dx may differ from each specialist.  Possibilities are bipolar, impulse control disorder, depression, ADHD, asperger's, PDD.NOS

    IF she is bipolar avoid antidepressants (will make her manic)

    Good results for bipolar are lamictal, Risperdal, and depokote

    IF she is spectrum avoid stimulants

    Good results of meds for autistic spectrum are:  Risperdal, xanex, lamictal

    I really see the best results for kids with lamictal and risperdal in general.  This is also the drugs of choice for my father who is a psychologist and clinician/director and has asperger's.  The facility he is at AdvoServ formerlly AuClair specializes is spectrum disorders residentially

  7. okay yeah, you need to get her evaluated. she doesnt seem to think things over before she acts. my little bro used to have the same problem. you can get meds to help her make better descisions.

  8. If she has a chemical imbalance, all the attention in the world won't fix that. A good psychiatrist will be able to evaluate her although he probably won't officially diagnose the disorder this young but he will treat her for it. They don't like to put labels on kids this young but they will have an idea what they think is wrong and they will begin counseling or medication or whatever she needs. It's best that you take her in as soon as possible so this can get turned around and she can get the help she needs.

  9. if this is true, talk to her pediatrician right away.... a five year old should know that hitting a cat with a brick will only harm them... maybe she had no intention to kill it, but you never know.

    yes, you can get help for your daughter.. there are many, excellent child therapists out there.. i'm sure your pediatrician can make a referral.

  10. My mother had a neighbor with a little girl just like your daughter.  She would hang around my mother and her husband, talk back, even hit them!  

    You can pretty much get any evaluation you would like, no matter the age of your daughter -- I worked with two-year-olds, and one of them was evaluated (very different circumstance from yours).  I'm not too certain as to what will happen during the evaluation, but it might help.  Also, speaking to a child psychologist, or even her school counselor might help.  Either way, I wish you the best of luck!

  11. This story is turning out exactly like the movie "The Omen". It did not turn out to well for Demi Moore, so get out now while you still can.

  12. You should definitely talk to your pediatrician.  Hurting animals often correlates with other significant problems.

    While you're waiting for your appointment, definitely supervise her more than you would an average 5-year-old.

    Good luck.

  13. If she seems to literally be declining in age then you want tog et her in to see someone.  there are serveral reasons this can be happening from worst being an actualy disease to as simple as acting out.  eiterh way an evaluation by a professional and then a second opinion may be the best bet.

    she needs to understand her actions and right from wring

  14. start with her doctor.

  15. Sounds like this child has never been TAUGHT discipline and the consequences of her actions.  Yes you can get a mental evaulation fo a year old...You'll have to decide how accurate it is for yourselves.

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