
I am concerned about my 9 year olds sisters weight?

by Guest56295  |  earlier

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Well, she is on the kinda short side and she's weighting down to 105 POUNDS. She east quite alot is this normal for a 9 year old female, kinda short like 4'2-4'5




  1. I know that you aren't going to like my answer, but as a sibling, it isn't up to you to make these calls. If you want to talk to your mom about it, fine. But you can't talk to your sister about it. It will just hurt her feelings. She'll think that you're being mean to her. I have an older brother who is 13 years older than me. He thought I was a little chubby when I was a kid, and tried to talk to me.

    He was honestly just concerned and wanted me to be a healthy and happy kid...but what he did was hurt my feeling seriously. I didn't forgive him for a while. Young girls are extremely sensitive about their weight, and they are more aware of it than you are.

    As I said to my brother over a decade ago: I know what I look like and I know what I eat. It isn't your place to tell me.

    Anyway-she doesn't sound like she's obese or diabetic or anything that is really going to permanently damage her health. So talk to your mom and try to stay out of it. The only thing you can do is be encouraging.

    Invite her on a walk or jog with you. Ask her if she wants you to pack her lunch for her, you can send her to school with something healthy. If you see her eating (usually kids do this out of boredom) invite her to put down the snack and take a walk with you, skip rope, or even play a board-game. Anything to kick that habit.

    Most importantly, talk to your Mom.

  2. I am taller than her and I weigh 10lbs less. Not to mention I am not a kid. She is perfectly fine. Make sure she doesn't keep up with eating a lot though because that isn't healthy.

  3. No, and at a young age if she is doing this she is unhappy.. there is an underlying problem.

    She should be given small portions of food. About half of what an adult would eat (or even less because some adults eat way too much)

  4. I am really not tying to be rude or offend but no I don't think this is very normal. Right now she is overweight but not to bad but by the time she reaches her tween - early teenage years, at the rate she is going, she will be obese. If I were you I would make her get some activity outside of the house, sports or something. I would also watch what she is eating and make sure it is healthy. Cut down on the portions also. Try and talk to your parents about this so they back you up cause she might not listen to you by herself. I would also take her to the doctor to see what his input is. I hope this helps.

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