
I am confused of which career must i follow accounting or economics i need advise1?

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I am confused of which career must i follow accounting or economics i need advise1?




  1. How many accountants do you see advertised for and how many economists. Which is needed most i think you will find  in spite of the jokes it is  accountants

  2. there is wider scope in the filed of economics...sp in d developing countries lyk India.

    go for the subject you like more.. you have more interest in.

  3. Economics is a much broader field, if you're looking for marketable skills then i'd recommend accountant.  And Maybe brushing up on your grammar.

  4. i have faced the same dilemma, but i came to the conclusion that with an economics degree i would still probably end up as an accountant, although economists can do almost anything, so i would choose accountancy, however if your as lucky as me you will be able to study both, this way you get the interesting side of economics as well as the skillfulness of accountancy

  5. There aren't many jobs for economists but there are loads for accountants of all different types.

    Accountancy is more practical than economics because it deals with real transactions. Every business needs some sort of accountancy. Qualified accountants will always be able to find good jobs because businesses will always be dealing with money.

  6. U see,i also had d same dilemma, i chose economics,if u looking 4 money,u can still go 4 economics,economics is broad,very broad,u can work in a bank even as an entrepreneur,also u can find economics in d oil sector!its d Queen of social sciences! what i advice is;1. learn a foreign language,2 Do international courses,like the ACCA etc and others.these would put u ahead of the gang!And economics isn't a small issue,we need alot of good economists,2 change dis planet,the choice is urs!

  7. I would say it depends why you are considering them. I studied economics at school. I loved it and did fairly well at it. However, when it came to going to univerity and choosing a career path, i found out that economics we did at school was basic stuff like learning the principles, whereas at university level it was highly mathemetical, and research driven, which did not suit me at all. As a result, I am currently studying accounting at uni, and I love it. Also, the economics I learned is of great help.

    So if you're very mathematical, I would suggest economics, otherewise, accounting it is.

    Hope this helps

  8. I think accountant…the following are the reasons why and the advantage of it!!

    First of all, it can help ur family. If u need money badly then accountant is the best. Being an account has very big big salaries. You will learn more about MATH each day. Numbers and you can have fun counting them!

    I think u better enjoy this thing than being other else. I think u should be grateful.

    I hope I helped you out though I think it’s not very long like others :)

    --Official Arnela Mae

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