
I am confused on baby names!?

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My husband and I like Spencer Ryan for a boy and Hailie Ann for a girl. I don't want to hear "those are too common" because where I am from they are not. Are they cute names? Well I'm mainly asking about Spencer. What do you think?




  1. I love your chouise of your girl name.

    I'm not so crazy about Spencer, but

    I love Ryan. Maybe you can do other

    names with Spencer and Ryan.

    Ryan Anthony

    Ryan Matther

    Ryan Michael

    Adam Ryan

    Brody Ryan

    Spencer Daniel

    Spencer Anthony

  2. i like it

    i think it sounds cute  

  3. Spencer is a great name for your little boy, it sounds strong,and Ryan sounds great as well.Congratulations!!

  4. the names are ok' I like spencer ryan for a boy.

    But I told this to someone else...if you have to be telling people hoe to pronounce your baby's name then you might as well change the spelling or just put a label on the baby from birth.

    Besides hailie and hayley are pronounced the same so why give the pronounciation enphasys?

  5. spencer's cool, but i like it the other way around: ryan spencer

  6. I love that name. Its really nice.  

  7. I think what's important is that both you and your husband like the name that you're going to give your baby and not the opinion of other people.

  8. Congrats! I think both names are great. I live in australia & spencer isn't very common at all, although i do have a friend with a son named Spencer Oliver and i think his name sounds great.

    Hailie Ann is nice but i think Ann takes away from Hailie, would you consider something like Hailie Grace or Hailie Jayde?

    Good luck :)

  9. i like spencer ryan is hailie pronounced like hallie or is hayley?

  10. I like Spencer Ryan But I like Ryan Spencer the best. Hailie Ann I do not like there are so many Hailie's if you do use Hailie Anne looks pretier and no it's not Annie it is Anne I now I have the same middle name, anyway Spencer makes a good girls name to. Good Luck on baby.

  11. Yes, I think they are both cute names.  They are strong and reliable sounding.

  12. Spencer Ryan is cute, but I agree that Ryan Spencer might be even better.


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