
I am confused with the Russia and Georigia conflict?

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did Georgia attack russia or did russia attack Georgia who attacked first? why are people criticizing russia's acts if they were just defending themselves if they were just defending themselves





  2. Russia built a force along their border and harassed the Georgians for almost a year. They then started volleying artillery into Georgia, and when they responded, Russia attacked claiming genocide which has now been proven false.

    Straight out of the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. In fact, they probably dusted off the operations manual and changed nothing but the names. It is a carbon copy.

    Hold onto your shorts. NATO has informed Russia that they now risk confrontation with them if they do not withdraw. It would suck to be Russian right now.

  3. Georgia attacked Russian citizens first and the russians reacted in much the same way the yanks did over 911 with the invasion of Afghanistan.

    This is the result of the west failing to acknowledge south ossetias independence declaration.  

  4. Georgia attacked Georgia.

    russia "played" humanitarian.  like a violin.

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