
I am connected to the internet but ie is not working?

by  |  earlier

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I show a connection, have tried pinging a website, and has come back as a reply, but i still cannot connect to Internet explorer?




  1. There was an issue recently with ZoneAlaram and the newest Microsoft update. If you use ZoneAlarm, first change the internet setting to medium instead of high and then get the newest ZoneAlarm.

    If it's not that it may still be a firewall problem.

  2. I would advise uninstalling Internet Explorer and making the switch to Mozilla FireFox, it's much faster, reliable and in general, better.

    I used to use IE and I would have problems every single time I was online, videos not loading, pages not loading, etc. Downloaded FireFox and I don't have any problems.

  3. I have both IE and Firefox and IE is so unreliable and slow it is like watching cement set. Suggest download firefox,bin IE life will be so much more pleasurable once you sort out the bolt ons

  4. check your LAN settings in internet options in control panel.

  5. Can't use IE - what a blessing

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