
I am considering a vacation trip to Costa Rica. Is this a worthwhile location to visit ?

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I am considering a vacation trip to Costa Rica. Is this a worthwhile location to visit ?




  1. Yes.

    Costa Rica is pleasant, with spectacular ecological diversity. The people are nice. The infrastructure is much better than most countries in Latin America.

    Of course the Ticos going to take advantage of you. That's what tourists are for. :-)

  2. depends on what you are looking for.. in my opinion is waaay overrated and as someone stated before.. they will charge you a lot more just because you are a tourist.

    i'd recommend panama instead, it is very diversified in terms of places to visit (mountains, rainforest, beaches, colonial cities, etc etc) plus they use american dollars...and very inexpensive.

    good luck and have a nice trip...=)

  3. i think is a great place to check out prices go to

  4. Hi ! I travelled through CR 3 months and am in Panama now. I will go back in March to CR. Depends really what you want to see....and there is a lot to see !! I, myself, don't like the touristy places like Playa Tamarindo, Jaco, Manuel Anthonio, Monteverde, Puerto Viejo, Montezuma and Tortuguero. But Ive heard other people saying they liked it there. So its very personal.

    I liked the Arenal Lake ( you can go from Canas, to Tileran, Arenal and Fortuna), the area south of Cartago (Urruja, Orosi Valley), and for sure Peninsula the Osa (Bahia Drake, if you want to go diving), Puerto Jimenez ( if you want to see a lot of monkeys, scarlett macaws, snakes, tucans, alligators and so on), Pavones/ Punta Burica (surfing).

    Have fun ! If you want to have more travelinformation, just send me an email with the questions !!

  5. The answer you seek depends greatly upon your own likes/dislike & lifestyle. However, as a place to visit & experience life at a simpler basic way surrounded by the natural flors/fauna/wildlife that Mother Nature has generously offered; this is an area of spectacular beauty with much undeveloped land, unexplored areas, mysteries yet to be defined, etc. We have been traveling to beautiful CR for the past couple years now. Having purchased a few Hectacres in UVITA on the Pacific coast just 2Km's from the main Costanera Highway & the beautiful Whale's Tail. We are currently constructing two Bungalows nearing completion we will be there Jan 23 thru Feb 6th. Our property is nestled into the depths of the Rain forest surrounded by creeks & natural water flow as well as Natural Springs. I hope to eventually give back to the country by developing a Rescue/Release for the critters of the area. Having a medical background & Avian experience will be helpful in my achieving this goal.

    You ought to do some internet searches to learn all you can before deciding to go to Costa Rica. We did & it is most fascinating! Maybe begin here:

    Best of luck~ PURA VIDA~

  6. I went there, San Jose, 10 years ago. We rode the river in a raft (I fell out and almost drowned, really).

    Someone lifted my credit card number somehow and charged up $600.00 worth of stuff.

    The prostitutes are legal and cheap.

    I know there are jungle trips and volcano trips also so overall I would say yes. But like any other country, watch out for yourself.

  7. I was there a few months ago.  It depends upon where you are staying.  The people have very little, and see tourists as having to much.  Ocassionally they try to equalize the situation.

  8. Okay, I will let you know that this is the safest country to visit in Central America and there are no machine guns on every corner like in most of latin America.

    Costa Rica is one of the most bio-diverse countries in the world with thousands of species of plants, about 900 species of birds, and beautiful tropical rainforests. If you are an adventurer who is conscious about the environment and sustainability, this is  a destination for you. There are surf spots, and beach resorts, and fun in the sun vacations, but the heart of Costa Rica is in the forests. I recommend the OSA Peninsula which is being developed with the most care and attention for the surrounding environment. It may be a little expensive at some of the lodges, but you know your money is going towards a good cause. If you want cheaper accomodations, try Puerto Jimenez, it is a small town on the tip of the Peninsula. Pavones is a really cool little surf spot even farther south on the way to Panama. Here you will find some great info on this area and the whole country. There are different regions that exist here which offer so many different things. This way you will be able to see what you like best, then go from there.

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