
I am considering going to Mexico 30th Aug for 2 weeks, is this advisable during the hurricane season?

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What is the likeliness of another hurricane hitting after the one that is due to hit within the next few hours.




  1. If the purpose of you going there is to help in a childrens orphanage why would you ask this question? If there was another storm and if it were to damage Puerto Vallarta wouldn't you and your other volunteers be needed even more? Pack your bag, the kids are waiting!

  2. You've had some great answers so far.  Overall, Cruise vacations are recommended during hurricane season because the ships navigate around the storms.  

    All Travel to the Caribbean and Mexico during hurricane season is advisable because the rates are discounted due to peoples fear of hurricanes and the likelihood of one disrupting your travel plans.  Wait to see what area in Mexico takes the least of the blow and book your tickets.  Buy travel insurance and have a great vacation at highly discounted rates.

  3. I don't think hurricanes get to the part of Mexico you are going, Puerto Vallarta doesn't have problems with hurricanes, so I think you'll be find.

  4. hi well i'm mexican and you shouldn't get worried, puerto vallarta is not a hurricane zone and it's quite far from cancun and dean hurricane, so there won't be any trouble it may be a bit cloudy but still great for visiting, and sooooooo nice you are going to volunteer that's sooooo amazing from you good luck and bienvenido a mexico!!!!

  5. It rains every day June through October anyway. I cannot guarantee you that a Pacific hurricane will not hit Puerto Vallarta, which is about 1500 miles from the Caribean where Dean hit, but I have not heard of any hurricanes hitting PV in the 20 years I have lived hear.

  6. Currently as we speak it looks like Mexico is going to be a disaster area, which, hopefully will not be too disasterous.

    With luck, there will be a minimum of grief associated with this hurricane and Mexico will be back to normal by the 30th, but there is always another tropical storm around the corner  at this time of year.

    Recent years have seen an increase in the severity and frequency of these storms so it will  be down to luck IF they develop and IF they trundle their way into the north or south gulf and after Katrina any major storm is expected to be a baddie.

    You could get lucky but I have to remind you of the 1st principle of Murphy's law - If it can go wrong, then it will go wrong,  But then, I have always been a pessimist.   I hope you enjoy your holiday whatever you choose to do, Best of luck to you, and to Mexico!

  7. 50/50

  8. You must take advice from your tourist operator, your life is in their hands.

  9. yes, dont worry about the hurricanes. if you didnt go somewhere because of what might happen you wouldnt go out of the house every day incase a bus ran you over.

  10. Depends on where you are planning to go. If you're heading for the Yucatan penninsula (Cancun etc) there is always the possibility of another hurricane. There is usually a number of them during the season. If, however, you head for Puerto Vallarta or somewhere on the west coast, hurricanes are rare.

  11. dont go dean is going right though mexico as we speek and its gunna be all wrecked and stuff

  12. Wait. See what the damage is first. September is traditionally the worst hurricane month to travel to the caribbean or mexico. Dean is only the first major hurricane this season on the Atlantic/Caribbean side. Plenty more to come.)

    Good Luck if you dare.....

  13. Pretty likely...we've had one of the wettest summers on record all over the world!!  There's no definite way to tell for sure but i think you could be pretty sure you'll bag a bargain holiday!!  Also might be worth waiting to see how bad this one is coz there wasn't much left to visit after Catrina hit New Orleans last year! good luck..x

  14. Mexico is a big country, while dean is hitting de gulf there is 90% more of mexico without rain, I know it because At this moment I am in Mexico, and rain is over, if you visit a beach, the autorities allways tell you if there is any  risk, so if a storm is comming to you, you can change your beach, cost are aceptables, you can flight from a side to the other in a couple of hours for only $800 pesos ($80 US dollars) rain is in England do you are afraid for it?, in mexico era storms, hurricanes and all kind of stuff, but people live here without problems, why you should be in danger?.

    If you still in mexico in september there they will celebrate their indepence day in Sep 15, you must visit mexico city there is a great party, you can try all inmaginable food, you will not believe it, and in November 1 and 2 they celebrate their hallowen in their style, they call it dia de muertos (Death people day), folklore and celebrations are amazing, you should almost visit mexico once in life in these days.

    dont be afraid from weather, Mexico is a big party, disaster are everywhere, look the news, people are in danger in all the planet, and mexico is not diferent, but with common sense you can have a great vacations everywhere...

    enjoy Mexico and disfrute sus vacaciones a lo grande, diviertase mucho y saboree una deliciosa cerveza amigo...

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