
I am considering moving to US from my country, what is best way to transport my goats and my wives?

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I am considering moving to US from my country, what is best way to transport my goats and my wives?




  1. the goats can stay in the berth with you,your wives should be held in the cargo area with the other ugly animals

  2. Just sneak them and yourself across the effen border like everyone else.

  3. you must first consider the fact that Polygamy is illegal in the United States.  

  4. I think it would be really cool if you'd just stay where you are.

  5. By airplane.

  6. By camel.

  7. Swim across the border from Juarez, Mexico.  No way customs is going to allow you to bring livestock here.  They may have mad goat disease or something.  Why don't you consider France, they love that sort of thing there.

  8. if you are canadian just walk across the border.  

  9. Big plastic bags with lots of heavy rocks!

  10. Flattened, dried, and in self-addressed, stamped envelopes!

  11. Not only is polygamy illegal in this country, but bestiality is to.  

  12. move on frank your not funny. Ask a real question. Stop living in make believe. You are more interesting than a this poser persona you show us. I see you understood what i sent though. Good one step to adult hood. with many more to follow.

  13. UPS

  14. Probably should just stay put.  Polygamy is against the law in the U.S.

  15. Wagon Train , just ask any Habib that you have in your country how they do it !

  16. We have enough problems in this country without more people like you.  Stay put.

  17. The best way is to ride on your goats. That's way you can save your transporting cost and your goat will also stay with you.    

  18. Rowboats, by far.  

  19. There are a shedload of rules and regulations for transporting livestock, including feeding,watering and exercising said livestock, and all must be adhered to if you dont want to fall foul of US Law, so be very careful with your goats, the women can be put in a normal 20 foot container (depending on how many you have, if you have more than 10 you may need 2 containers)

    Good luck.  

  20. I'm sure you could book a flight on Upyer Rectimus Airlines.

  21. it will be best for you to stay where you are because there is barely enough jobs for us and then you come over here taking what we have left you are not welcome

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