
I am considering purchasing a folding bicycle for commuting and riding around - is this a good choice(10 pts)?

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The Dahon Speed D7




  1. It is the best idea yet. I take the train and take the bike with me and then ride it to work and at thev end of the day, I take the train back home and ride from the station to my house, I ride the bike about 2 miles, so I am getting some much needed exercise also. I am already starting to feel better.

  2. Most normal bikes are lighter, better, cheaper, safer and there's a huge choice of models, sizes, transmissions, brakes, tires, accessories... so do it only if you have no other choice.

    Folding something that wasn't intended to be foldable is not a brilliant idea - a bike's frame should be as rigid as possible, that's why in it's original form it consists of two simple triangles...

  3. Have you seen gas prices lately? Thats the best way to go dude.

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