
I am considering wearing contacts lenses?

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im 14 and i've been wearing glasses since late 2004 and now i am considering contacts. I play basketball for my school and im just tired of my appearance with glasses. I am about to become a freshman this year. Are contacts a good choice and is it a easy or difficult task to put them on or it depends by person?

Please help me out!!!




  1. I wear contacts and they're wonderful.  I can see much better with contacts then I could with glasses.  However, it does take some adjusting and patience.  You will probably not be a pro at putting them in or taking them out for awhile.  But after you get a hang of it, it will be second nature.  

    The only downfall to contacts is sometimes when your eyes are tired, they can become very dry and blurry but at that point, you can take them off and put your glasses on.  ALWAYS KEEP A SPARE PAIR OF GLASSES!!

  2. I have worn contacts for at least 20 years, and I love them.  the past few years I have had "focus night and day" contacts and they are the best thing i have ever had.  they allow your eyes to "breathe" or let oxygen in better than ANY other kind (says my eye doctor).  you can wear them for up to a month without taking them out.  so you can see when you get up in morning.  its almost like just having perfect vision,  except you change them monthly...  they are more expensive than others though.  now i got lasik or I would still be wearing them   ;)


  3. I never really used contact lenses but I heard it's troublesome.It depends on people.You don't have to wash contact lenses but you do for spectacles.There are really pros and cons for contact lenses and spectacles,so you have to consider which one you want to use.Losing your spectacles would cost you money to buy a new pair,unlike contact lenses.

  4. It depends on the person. I was kind of in your situation, and I really wanted contacts for me at first they were a little trouble some to put in but I finally got it.But then wen my little brother went to try them on they said he did better putting them in then any of the grown-ups there. After you have worn them for a while you can barely feel them!Except when you put them in Back words then they hurt like REALLY REALLY bad! And you can where them wen you swim but there's an 20% chance tht theyll fall out!So... I think tht you should give them a try.(and i suggest the ones you can sleep in and change them every 2 wks...thts wat I have)

  5. contacts are definably great for first high school impressions (unless you have the sweet emo glasses in that case keep em) as well as sports you should totally get them. the fist time i put a contact in it took me about 4 minutes but after that like 10 sends so if you decide to wear them make sure you carry solution around so you do not get dry

  6. I have had contacts and I can say I like them WAY more than glasses.  It's not so much of an appearance thing (for me at least) as it is a convenient thing.  I don't have to worry about breaking my glasses or having my glasses slipping down my nose every once in a while.  also, you get FULL vision, so you're not limited to the shape of your glasses.  you are able to see clearly whether you look up, to the side, or straight in front of you.  and, you can't even feel them!

    when i first got contacts, it took me a really long time to put them on.  I would also sometimes freak out about losing my contacts in my eyes or having them permanently stuck in my eye (haha).  but now, it takes me less than 10 seconds to put them on (both eyes).  

    a con, though, is that if you get stuff in them, they can really bug your eye.  and then you have to rinse it like crazy.

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