Kay, so i'm gifted (not reflected in my ability to spell lol) and i was in a gifted school for 2 years (gr.4, 5) i changed back to my old, non-gifted school (bcuz of bad learning enviroment, sucky friends, rude teachers). I go to a dif. gifted program one time a week with my new buddy from my non-gifted school and i have been doing that since gr.6. i am now in gr.7 and am constantley bored in class talking tot my buddy, who is also bored. I don't do my homework often bcuz i am to lazy to write down the answers which are so obvious to me. i would go to a full time gifted program, but the school where i had problems is the only one in the region and i don't want to leave my new (and old) friends. Is it not unfair that they offer the lower end of Sp. Ed. at practically every school, but don't offer the higher end?? there are 4 gifted people in our school, which is fairly low, but others who excel in a certain subject could join in for that subject, could they not?