
I am constantly worried about my cat.

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My cat died in May and he was 15. It was a horrible experience. Now, my other cat is 18 and I loved the two of them so much and they were so wonderful together. Now I am paranoid everyday at work and when I go out. I think about him all the time and worry. I know he is 18 and he won't live forever but this constant worry about him is stressful. I can't take the worry, I love him so much. Any advice?




  1. Gee I would get a younger cat so if this 18 year old cat passes away it might not leave such a void in your life?  

  2. cats can get sick easy. Make sure the dust is off your carpet. Have a bowl of fresh cool water available for your cats daily. Remember to feed them in the morning and evening. Give a snack as a reward or when they are just being good.  If you trained your cats young to accept a bath. Using the water spritzer in the sink is fine and using a cup of water over them in the bathtub (do not fill up the water too much.). They will enjoy the bath along their back and neck, bath them gently.  Put a towel around them and train them to sit still. They will in time.  Dry them well. Be careful not to put the towel or water near their nostils.  Cats can love you back after they feel clean. Put a dry towel somewhere that they know they are allowed to sit on to dry and l**k themselves. Give them a snack reward for them being good.

      A cat can get sick from another cat. Cats need exercise too, so play with them too.

  3. well when i was about 12 i had a set of twin kittens puffer and stinker.When we took them to the vet to get them declawed stinker died of a medicine that they use to make him fall asleep for no pain. The vet called back and told us stinker had died. Now every time i go to the vet i always worry about puffer so in a way i have the same problem i just try to think about the fact that the doctors are proffesionals and they wouldent try to kill puffer. My advice for you would be to just relax and when you get home every day tresure the moments you spend with your kitty. I would take alot of pictures so you can look at your kitty every day. Just try not to worry about it :)

  4. don't worry about him. when it is his time, youll know hes lived a happy and full life. know that he is fine now and even when it will be his time, his cat sibling will be there to meet him wherever he is to go after his death. hes happy with you now, and when he dies (sooner or later) h**l be happy with the other cat. he'll be fine

  5. I totally understand! I've lost many pets and after the first few passing on, I couldn't take the constant stress of fearing the day my other's would pass. (I've always had multiple pets.) That is when I started realizing, after a particularly special cat of mine died of pancreatic cancer, that I needed to just make sure they knew they were loved and take some steps to relieve my own anxiety about leaving them. If you happen to be a spiritual person, prayer is very effective. I pray for my pets every day when I leave the house and make sure, before I go, that they get love and praise. Knowing they are cared for and happy, I am less stressed about leaving them. If they should die, they would die knowing they were loved and had a happy life. That is the best any of us can hope for.

  6. Hi

    Yes, Know he won't live forever but know that he still needs your love now, and can sense when something is wrong with your emotions towards him. He could live another 4 or 5 years...maybe longer.  Treat him as you did before your other baby died in May. That's what freaked you, and he knows it. So stop worrying.

    Unless of course you are considering putting him down, because you can't deal with loosing him at an unknown time and day. I'm sorry if that sounds mean, but sometimes it's hard to cope with the unknown....

    If he's healthy and happy then YOU should be too! Together. [and when you are at work or going out}



    your okay,

    eventually think this, heinevitable over. everything dies and its inevetable

  8. dont think about him hurts the animal too...make him feel young....stroke him and tell him hes still a young cat whos jandsome...and think of good memories you had with other cat....thats whati do...i dont think about that day but the days before it

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