
I am contimplating quiting what i spent so long to work for.?

by  |  earlier

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I worked all summer waking up at 5.45 AM and running and weight lifting and then coming later in the day to work out and i love football and i am very good at it and most of my coaches supprt me and think i can be really something but the thing is i get no support from my head coach and he's really a gerk to me and i really want to stick with football because i have a bunch of potential and i have very high expectations and i haven't played ball since 6th grade in a totally different state and i am going to be a freshman and it is my dream to play pro football but i just haven't played football in so long it's like learning the game all over again and it seems like my coach doesn't want to teach me and i don't want my highschool football career to be affected by one thing but i just don't no now any help or advice.




  1. Don't quit! Play your a$$ off to show 'em you're determined, hard working and wont let a jerk stand in your way.

  2. don't hard and your hard work will pay off....

  3. Sounds like your coach isn't cool, I would continue with it because in the end something you wouldn't expect may follow =-]

    answer my question please------->;...

  4. quit whining and go back to work-

  5. a lot of coaches are "gerks" (ha), but dont give up on something you worked so hard for.  you will really regret it later..

  6. dude im going throught the exact same thing im a full back and linebacker but no1 has gave me a chance stick with it dude keep workin hard and stick with it

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