
I am creative, but i need some help in polishing my talent !?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I am a teenager.

*I can write poetry,

*I am very creative.

*I can make really good stories.

*I have a real good hand in art and crafts.

*I am a computer geek !

All I need is some instructions on how to make money online.I have read a lot about teenagers earning money by online blogs and websites.I want to be a part too.

All I need is a guideline.

Thanks already !




  1. Well, this is not online, but why don't you try creating greeting cards and selling them. Or somehow do egreeting cards, though you'd need someone to tell you how to sell them online.

  2. you can compile your poems and stories in an ebook form.. and sell it on

  3. If you are proud enough to say, that you are creative in nature,by this time your hand should knocked the proper doors.You would have friends and your parents ,is n't it, they would have guided you.

    My brother,that is my cousin,when he was doing his school studies in village ,he used to come to  our house in the city,at that he used to make some puppets ,after finishing his school studies ,he got a job in Phentamedia, and he been to BAngalore in some CArtoon  grafics,now he is Chennai,doing grafics for movies.The talents defintely come to the core,you should tap at the right place.

  4. well try just creating a website, maybe on Piczo! I have one and their great! Its really just for practice but it will help you with all your skills. Another alternative would be to do some sort of hobbie! For example i do film studies and ive been thinking about creating a film script! Ive had a go and seems pretty sraight forward, its fun and easy to do! Plus you can be really creative their! good luck

  5. Unfortunately, there are no guides to "get rich quick" - unless they're made by people who sell guides in order to get rich themselves.

    1) Think of a product to make or provide for people that is unique to you.

    2) Start off on a free website, like MySpace, until you build your popularity. Figure out your "brand" by making a logo and color scheme. Spend 3-5 hours a day making images or poems or stories or podcasts for the website. Talk with other people who are also trying to hit it big, and tell them you will post a link to their website, if they will link to yours - it's a way that people will be able to find you.

    3) Once you become popular, buy your own website and hosting server - these cost about 100 - 200 dollars for a couple years of service. But, if you put advertising on the site, you will earn the money back as the site becomes more popular - THIS is where the money starts rolling in.

    I hope that helps!

  6. hey its nice to hear yar ,

    but the thing is now you have a job or not ,now you have a job mean no problem other wise you should get the job first

    using with this qualification that one is important ,

    because that one is short time goal , not a long time goal  so think it ......

    all the best.....

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