
I am crying a lot....?

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I am crying A LOT now, and I have no idea why. Its kind of starting to scare me. What is wrong with me? I am 14 year old girl.




  1. Ha ha puberty love... if u havn't got your period yet stock up... all the best i know it embarrasing, but talk to your mom about it. When i did mum started crying! lol all the best


  2. theres ur answer!

    ur a 14 year old girl.

    u want attention and probably going through puberty. it will go away in like 4 years

  3. Hormones. Trust me its the same thing with me. Puberty SUCKS. It's okay nobody is gonna think lesser of you.  

  4. your just crying out of the clear blue if you are then you should goto the doctor or if something is bothering you then thats why sometimes i cry for no reason but not alot if its just watery eyes then alergies but i dont know bout crying

  5. When I was 14-15 I cried a lot too, for no reason. It is your puberty and hormones. There is nothing wrong.

    I had bad mood swings, I cried, I ate like an animal, and my friends had that too.

  6. It could possibly be depression.

  7. For no apparent reason?

    I had the same type of situation when I was 14. I'm 17 now. But I would just have these random crying spells...typically at night or when I was alone. I never got it professionally diagnosed...but I talked with a teacher at my school who used to be a nurse and she was thinking possibly depression of some sort....

    I would recommend talking with a trusted adult about how you are crying a lot now. Maybe a parent? Teacher? Nurse at school? A friends parent? Someone you trust...

    Hopefully they can help you through this and point you in the right direction to getting over it.

  8. At 14 your hormones are working over time. Give yourself a break and only watch things that will make you laugh. Take care of your mind on how you look at life. Its now that you must take care and don't get involved with anyone who will bring more pressure on what you know is right and wrong. Try to keep your life as free of stress as much as you can. Your mom and dad will only want whats best for you and now is the time that you will fight with them. Just know its your hormone and not them or really you. Learn form them.   

  9. Your perfectly fine i always did that.

    If you have mood swings that is different.

    Its a thing all girls do especially if you have

    already started your period.

    Let all your tears out and you will

    feel much better I guarantee it!  

  10. its normal for teenahers to have mood swings or express emotional feelings for no reason at all

  11. hormone overflow try to make it to 18 years old and you will be fine

  12. hormones.

    u can take relacore(pills)

    to make u feel better

    it really does and it makes you feel so happy about everything
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