
I am culturally challenged. How should I obtain culture?

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Pax I have a low concentration span so it all has to be simple for a simple mind.




  1. listen to culture club

  2. You can't just find and acquire culture.  I found that traveling and experiencing things outside your comfort zone is a great way of absorbing culture.  

    Although, not everyone can go on long trips.  However, what you can do is do different things.  Spend an afternoon at a local art museum.  Go to a music fest or go to a bar that has live music.  Do things that you wouldn't normally do.  Go to an ethnic restaurant.  Do things that are new to you!!

    (Unless you're talking about mycology - fungal cultures.  That happens to be my minor!  So, you obtain cultures by inoculating a medium (generally agar) with spores.)

    If you're totally lazy, just go watch the travel channel and see what else is out there.

  3. General saying (not directed at you): "You can lead a w***e to culture but you cannot make her think."

    So obtaining something so ephemeral is up to you and it is also relative...

  4. Make a meaningful list of people,places and things that are

    foreign to your knowledge.

                                      GOOGLE THEM ALL !

    Study your favorites.

    Join clubs at Colleges, online and through other sources.

    Decide to be a learning sponge and soak up everything.

    Dress and act your best at all times. be a cultural specimen

    yourself. Search for music and peoples on You Tube also.

    Invite people of different cultural backgrounds to eat with

    you and then do all "the listening."

  5. Behave mannerly, speak politely and do the things you enjoy. Going to the opera, ballet, music recitals etc are wonderful.........if you enjoy them! Probably there are many things you do that are already cultured but you are thinking of all the things you DON'T enjoy. For what one person thinks culture means many think differently.

  6. Have some yogurt,

  7. Well you are really challenged culture its really very interesting thing but one should give some time to it everyday.

    what you can do is i think that sit on net and search for it and instead of finding about your culture just read about the others also and try to practice what you have found and also very important thing that tell about everything new you find to others and by the GOD'S grace you would be able to overcome all the challenges

    hope you like it

    best of luck

  8. Go to Liverpool, its the capital of Culture.

  9. lactobactillusacidophyllis

  10. Read about the cultures you're interested in...clearly, you've got plenty of time judging from the number of questions posted!  Best of Luck!

  11. Culture is partly obtained by reading, and partially by attending cultural events. If by culture you mean Western culture, attend classical music concerts, operas, ballets, poetry readings, and plays by Shakespeare, Chekhov, Ibsen, etc. Go to art museums. If you mean international culture, do the same thing but include art, music, dance, and literature of other parts of the world. Take classes.

  12. There are people you can employ nowadays who will get you all cultured up.  You may have to go to libraries and art galleries, but actually I think you might be able to become completely cultured by doing a distance learning course.  Reading a newspaper once a week might help.  Also, increase your vocabulary - this is very important - the best way I've found so far is by watching Emmerdale.  Also, earwigging on conversations in pubs will strengthen your cultural abilities.  Talk to staff at burger bars.  Really, you can grow culturally in so many ways.  Hope this answer has been helpful.

  13. Ask yourself why you wish to become more cultured. Whether because of peer pressure or a desire for personal betterment, the major sources of mainstream culture are obvious to all. Ask again if you decide on particular aspect of culture that you wish to embrace.

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