
I am curious to know please answer...?

by Guest33597  |  earlier

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I mostly listen to goth music (because it is the only music I like) and I sometimes wear black because I enjoy it. Also sometimes I wear regular clothing because standing out is not important to me. If I am to stand out I would rather it be for my personality and character rather than for clothing.

I like to be alone. I am not afraid of being alone. I need none. And I am opinionated. I am shy and people think I am a very quiet and a very nice person. I am kind and I don't like to judge people openly.

I am the type of person who believes that words are not more than the meanings we attach to them.

Does this sound like I goth or am I not goth at all?




  1. Sounds like your human!

    Everybody is different.

    Rock On!

  2. If you're an adult, it's time to stop thinking of yourself as a label.

    Start with, 'You're a PERSON'.

    You may have some Goth activities or proclivities, but that doesn't necessarily MAKE you a Goth.

    Adults are free to borrow a little bit from this culture,  little bit from that to make up their own special brand.

  3. SOunds like ur a goth kid :P

    but kinda not cause goths wanna kill dem selfs like emos.

  4. If you're an adult why do you seem to need a label?

  5. You just said what you are.








    Dont see why everyone thinks they can sum themselves up in one word

  6. Come on nothing to worry about.....

    Being different from other is your wish...

    Then dont bother about others.........

    I dont know wheter it relates with Goth or not.....

    Just enjoy your life.........  

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