
I am currently enrolled in med school and hate it. Is there any way I can quit without having to repay loans?

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I really just want to quit school, but I feel like I am (and very well may be) anchored to my decision by loan money. Is there a way I can quit school and not have to repay loans. I realize this is a long shot, but its either this or another 6 years of h**l before I start to repay, then it will just be h**l with some money.




  1. the only way you can get out of not paying student loans is to

    1. die

    2. become 100% permanently disabled

    3. have the school close before you graduate

    4. teach in a poverty area for more than 5 years

    5. work for a place like the fed gov that will agree to pay part or all of them for you.


  2. I'm sorry buddy, but you're not gonna much sympathy from me. I'd give my left kidney to get into med school right now with 250K of debt. It's med school.

  3. The short answer is no. You will still be responsible for the student loans no matter what. How far have you gotten ? Have you received any degree yet ? Maybe you should just give it some thought and change your major. Find something else that interests you. Chances are you would only have to do another couple of semesters if you have all your core classes taken already.

  4. ok since ur in med school i take it your not exactly dumb, there is no real possible way you can not have to repay it. think about it can they take the education u got back if they wanted to not realyl anyways if it took you that long to decide your best bet is going to be stick it out its really too late to bail

  5. Whatever you've taken out in loans have to be repaid.

    As a former employee of a student loan organization, I can say they are very flexible and understanding.  There are many deferments and payment options available to you.

  6. I know that Federal education loans come with a handy release from repayment, but it requires the borrower to be dead.  That is likely the only way you will get out paying them at this point - providing you have received disbursements.  

    Your best bet is to get out of med school if you hate it.  You will likely only hate it more as you go and incur more debt for something you hate.  Bite the bullet and pull the plug or insert any other tired old cliche here.

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