
I am dating a African man that says he is the princes of Nigeria?

by  |  earlier

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his name is olugbemisola kalesanwo..could that be a royalty name???




  1. idk. but i am good friends with the brother of the king of tonga. I have been there and stayed in the palace so i know my friend isnt lieing. Yet it sounds like your bf is a liar though

  2. his bullshitting you for Papers and p***y sweetheart..sorry

  3. Google it.

  4. Could be true.... I descend from a royal family in Nigeria... the Benin tribe, to be exact although we dont rule lol. In the Benin culture, any name that starts with Oba..... (meaning king) ties you to royal blood. My grandmother has such a name. The same should go for the Yoruba tribe I believe..... Olu means king.

    edit: It saddens me however, that a lot of people here stereotype Nigerians as con artists. That is very wrong and shame on all of you who took part in that.

  5. No

  6. if you are not in africa  and have not seen his palace then dont believe him

  7. You're dating a man who says he's a princess?

  8. I am absolutely sure he is not.. So be care full.. not good to start a relationship with somebody that is lies to you.. if you dont believe me search it on the internet.. and youll find your answer.

  9. There are many small local tribes in Nigeria.  Each one has their own "king" and "princes".  It means nothing.

  10. Girl u tell that boy he better prove it to u cause yo momma didnt raise no fool.

  11. Umm i think he is joking with you.

  12. Ask him to show you his kingdom

  13. Assume for a moment that he is royalty.  Why the h**l would you want to date a tranny.  He is a man who is calling himself the princess of nigeria?

  14. Beware of Nigerians bearing a title! For that matter, beware of Nigerians. They are masters at the scam. have you checked your identity lately?

  15. Has he given you any other reason than his word to believe it?  Guys will say ANYTHING.  Look it up, and at least have a little bit of wariness about his verity.

  16. BS. There is a huge thing going on about Nigerian men conning women out of money. Don't be a fool.

  17. I searched it and codnt find anything! I highly doubt hes a prince!

  18. there doesn't seem to be anything on the internet about him, i would consider confronting him about that.

  19. Nigeria, officially named the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic. Therefore, a monarchy structure does not exist in Nigeria, there is no sovereign acting as head of state, which means there is no "Nigerian royal family." There is only a President and his government who runs the country.

    Your African man may be a "Prince" of some clan from a little village in a rural area, which is possible, however, he is not "Prince of Nigeria." He may be "royalty" in the eyes of his community, however, he is probably not recognized on a national basis, or internationally like many other official "royal families" around the world.

  20. He is lying.

    Run as quick as you can.

    Nigeria is full of thieves and scam artists.

    Haven't you ever noticed most of the Emails you get asking for your bank # to move some families fortune are always from Nigeria???

    Do some research on the Nigerian royal family right on google and you will see its all BS!

    Do you really think a prince would be here with no protection from his government??

  21. Oh, sure.... And he's a  God, don't you know...?

    OPbi P. Kanoki!!  It's on his birth certificate... Must be a PRINCE.

    Bet he didn't tell you that, -did he? Perhaps he's saving that for next week? -

    Leastwise, , - that's what he told the last dumb trollope !

    Oh, he's got a HUGE fortune, too. Sadly, he can't touch a penny of it yet becus he just needs a little "pump-priming" donation from you,... perhaps about $1000?.

    What? -you can't afford that much ? Well, - how much CAN you afford? $75? OK, that will do, ... for now anyhow.

    Tell you what, :-,

    (1) go to bed with him

    and (2) slip him all the $'s you have

    and (3) honey, please don't comeback on Answers to complain he never got back to you by phone, - we'd all die a'laughing!!!

  22. OMG YES IT IS HIM!!! wow!

  23. You never know....

    That'd be super cool though!

  24. Hes a liar, olugbemisola kalesanwo has no name in Nigeria...

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