
I am deeply in love but.......?

by  |  earlier

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I asked a friend about this guy I have fallen out with.I loved this guy.He told me in the past that he was in love with me and that he wanted me etc. but i held back as he seemed to be very flirty with others and I was confused.When I told him I loved him he did not take me seriously for a long time,so I held back more.Then we had a big row and I told him I loved him and he gave me an ultimatum to tell him that once and for all in the cold light of day.I didn't, so we deeply fell out.So I asked my other friend if he believed that this guy was genuine when he said he loved me and he said...'yes he was, but he didn't fully realise how seriously you would take it.You should make it up with him.He loves you as a friend and it is possible that you could be lovers,but he needs encouragement'.

What does that mean?Please help. I'm all over the place and very much in love with the man,but don't know what to do.




  1. How old are you... This sounds like a teen age drama.

  2. if you really love him then tell him one more time and if he doesn't take you up on the offer then assume he doesn't feel the same way.

    personally, at his age, he is far too old for such  juvenile behavior and that would turn me off right away.  If he is juvenile in other ways then forget about him and run hard and fast in the other direction.  You'll have a great deal more frustration and heartache in store if you tie yourself to him.

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