
I am depress and i need to travel to canada.?

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I am depress and i need to travel to canada.?




  1. You said, "i am depress".

    Do you mean depressed? If so, why do you have to travel to Canada if you're depressed? What is your question about travelling to Canada anyway?

  2. what is depress?

  3. okay , travel to canada...

  4. OK

    You are depressed and want to come to Canada...What is your question exactly?

  5. Thank you!! I have been looking for a new motto for my travel company and you have given it to me.

    Welcome to Canada

    The Great New and Improved Anti Depressant!

    Oh yes.  Did you have a question?

  6. Lonely?  Depressed?  Visit Canada, try Toronto or Montreal, Niagra Falls or Edmonton! Actually, try anywhere but just get out of your house!

    After that you might not be so depress!  :)

  7. what is your question?

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