
I am depressed and I have feelings that are soooo not normal. Is there any free therapy?

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For example, I hate s*x, I hate life, I do NOT respond to antidepressant medication, I can't stop thinking about killing myself. Is there anyone out there with some answers?




  1. Christ Is The Cure

    -- There is much that ails this old sinful world.

    The problems, sickness and destruction of man

    unto man can be read everyday in the newspapers.

    Where does it all end? What or who is the cure?

    The Lord Jesus Christ is our everything. He is

    our Creator, Commander, Controller - He is our Cure.

    He is the cure for a doubtful future.

    Look what is taking place in the world today!

    He is the cure for a drifting family. A wayward

    husband a cheating wife a rebellious son or daughter.

    The safest place you can put your family is in

    the hands of Jesus. Some parents are dependent

    on schools or doctors. A man once said, "You

    can't take anything to Heaven with you."

    But he was wrong. You can take your family.

    Is your family in?

    Christ is the cure for ALL family problems.

    Christ is the cure for a disturbed friend.

    Some turn to drugs, liquor, s*x, and crime.

    "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,

    shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" Phil 4:7

    He is the cure for a dull existence. We can have a victorious

    life in Christ. HIS joy is unsurmountable and imeasurable.

    "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world:

    and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even

    our faith," I John 5:4 No matter what happens to me

    in life - heaven is my home and the devil

    can't take that away from me!

    JESUS IS The CURE for a doomed soul.

    What does the world have to offer?

    Nothing but emptiness and eternal darkness.



    Love, Jesus

    Bible Verses to Ponder

    John 14:1-11 (TLB)

    "Let not your heart be troubled.

    You are trusting God, now trust in me.

    {2} There are many homes up there where my Father lives,

    and I am going to prepare them for your coming.

    {3} When everything is ready, then I will come and get you,

    so that you can always be with me where I am.

    If this weren't so, I would tell you plainly.

    {4} And you know where I am going and how to get there."

    {5} "No, we don't," Thomas said. "We haven't any

    idea where you are going, so how can we know the way?"

    {6} Jesus told him, "I am the Way--yes, and the Truth and the Life.

    No one can get to the Father except by means of me.

    {7} If you had known who I am, then you would have

    known who my Father is. From now on you know him--

    and have seen him!"

    {8} Philip said, "Sir, show us the Father and we will be satisfied."

    {9} Jesus replied, "Don't you even yet know who I am, Philip,

    even after all this time I have been with you?

    Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father!

    So why are you asking to see him?

    {10} Don't you believe that I am in the Father

    and the Father is in me?

    The words I say are not my own

    but are from my Father who lives in me.

    And he does his work through me.

    {11} Just believe it--that I am in the Father

    and the Father is in me. Or else believe it because

    of the mighty miracles you have seen me do.

    Mat 28:18-20 (KJV)

    And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,

    All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

    {19} Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,

    baptizing them in the name of the Father,

    and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

    {20} Teaching them to observe all things

    whatsoever I have commanded you:

    and, lo, I am with you always,

    even unto the end of the world.  

  2. Check out this website, there is something in there about therapy over the phone and may give some leads about free therapy.


  3. yes - you.

  4. I don't know where you live but where I live their are community mental health centers.  Here they offer therapy based on what you can afford.  also, on  if you look at therapists in your area some offer sliding scales and may take what ever your insurance pays or be able to refer you to a free clinic.  Good luck

  5. Not knowing where you live, it's hard to answer your question. Look in your local telephone directory for suicide hotlines. Call and ask about free therapy. The people who answer these calls are trained professionals, and they can point you in the right direction. The important thing to remember is that you're not the only person in the world who feels like this, and you can get better.

    Good luck.

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