
I am depressed and that starts with hating myself?

by  |  earlier

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yeah i know. that's stupid. you can't hate yourself, right? but yeah. i do. hate myself because I'm fat. and because I'm fat I don't have anybody right now (romantically, i must say). and my mom really loves to tease me and that's not helping me at all. she would always say that I'm ugly because I'm fat. that I'm useless because I'm fat and that i would always stay this way forever. i want to quit life.




  1. i know exactly how you feel, im the exact same way. i know its really crappy, i have depression and i really cant stand myself, just don't quit even though you really want to.  

  2. You don't hate yourself, you are confused right now. Are your parents still together? How old are you? Your mom sounds like a real swell role model. Don't let your mom or any other person ruin your self esteem, if you are over weight so what. So am I. I lead an awesome life I am married with a beautiful little girl. I am a police officer and have always been over weight and live a great life. Please contact me if you need to tal

  3. Boyfriends and girlfriends are nothing, unless they love you for who you are.

    Great achivement is from the inside. One day you may become the best writer in the world, best director.

    Don't let the body your driving stop your soul from doing what you please. I know it'll be hard to try and forget what's happened, but over time you have to learn that you can do whatever you want in life, you have to believe in yourself. Nothing can hold you back.

  4. Wow... Don't take this out on yourself. You have had enough of the put downs, anyway. If I may say so, your Mom needs some therapy. She needs to be supporting you emotionally, not venting her anger out on you because she thinks you have a weight issue.

    I recommend family therapy.

    But first of all, I want you to know that everyone is important and everyone has a right to be alive and to be here. It's a right. You don't have to earn it. You don't have to be the right height, right eye color, right anything. You're here. That counts for everything.

    There's an answer to all of this. You did the exact right thing by letting us know whats going on.

    Now, what you need to do next is call a friend on the phone. Or call a crisis counselor, someone you can talk to and let it all out to.

    It seems bad now. It is a nasty situation. But there's a solution to every problem, no matter how terrible it might seem.

  5. I can see that all of this comes from low self esteem.  And no wonder since your mother is teasing you.  I think we need to break this problem down into more managable chunks.  First I think you should speak to your mother and let her know that buy teasing you she is making you feel very sad.  I think she is inadvertantly trying to motivate and to help you to loose weight by her comments.  Unfortunatly by doing it in this way it only makes you feel worse about yourself, and is therefore not helping.  Once this has been achieved and you know that you have the support of your mother, you can go about writing a simple step plan on how you can loose weight.  Write a weekly list of what you will eat the following week and when and for how long you will excercise.  Dont get discurraged if at first you dont see much results be patient and kind to yourself and realise that as long as you are trying eventually you will get there.  Everybody gets depressed about themselves from time to time, no body is perfect, and just as you feel depressed about your weight know that there are many people depressed out there with other problems also.  You are not alone on this one!!  A really good book to get which has helped me is Cognitive behavioural therapy for dummies you can find it at amazon.  I think this is something that will really help you.  Just know that problems such as these can be overcome.  It might take sometime but like I said if you keep trying you will one day get there.

    I hope this helps please feel free to email me if you would like some further help.  

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