
I am depressed..please help me....i beg u..otherwise suicide is my only option..

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nothing is moving in the right path for me...i feel that i am fit for nothing...i am in love...he is ready to marry me but my parents are not allowing me to marry him...they are threatening me thta they will die if i marry him.i cant go against them..i cant live without anyone else but i don have the courage to tell them..they are also looking for a guy..i am worried...

i am doing my management studies..i am afraid of my placements lover is asking me not to go to college because he wants me to marry him immediately and he feels that i am only concentrating on my he is asking me to stop my studies which i cant do...he is shouting at me..

i won look good...i am an average looking nobody likes to speak with me also...i am very nobody wants to have friendship with me...

my knowlege is also very limited...very poor g.k....very bad communication..i think its clear from this letter...its very bad...right?

i want to live happily...please tell me what i should do...please friends..

otherwise give me some tips to get cancer or some deadly disease(AIDS) please...i want to me...(comment on my english also)




  1. It could always be worse. You could be married with kids working out on the ocean for long periods of time missing out on all the family activities. Your in-laws could hate you.

    Stick with school. There will be lots of time after graduation to spend with your hubby. Tell your parents how you feel. They wont die from the truth, maybe take it hard but they won't die.

    Go to as many social events as possible to expand your world. Even if you know no one there. Thepossibilitiess are endless.

  2. ok linda you need professional help the yahoo answers can not give u. Ask yourself what are some strengths that you have? what can you do well? if you can not answer this then u need the help! Because we all have strengths even u!!  killing yourself is not the answer. think about  your parents and heartbroken they would be if u died.  

    your parents are right that u should not marry this guy and i will tell u why. because he does not support u and what u want to do with your life like go college. This is a red flag in the relationship. he is starting to control u and what u do.

    If u do not want to go out with anyone else then don't. It's your life. but do not end it.  

  3. Only advice I can give you is to not marry before you finish College. My mom did and she regrets it to h**l. He forced her to marry before she got her degrees and what not, and before she knew it, she couldn't handle the stress. He beat her down every day, he swore at her, and then she got depressed so she dropped out. Now she is a 35 year old cleaning other people's houses and this pisses me off because she's the smartest person I know. Now I got the stress of changing her life. You don't want that for yourself and your children.

    Please don't marry yet, you have to get your financial future settled, so if the marriage doesn't go well you'll always have some type of back-bone.

    Your boyfriend is already yelling at you, this is exactly what will happen, if not, and probably, to a heightened level, if you get married.

    Stick to your studies and don't stay with your boyfriend. He obviously doesn't care for you. You have to stay strong for the coming years because this WILL make your future, you have to say no to your boyfriend. He would want you to finish your studies and get your life settled before marrying but, he obviously doesn't want that.

  4. hang in there girl! it's going to get better.  

  5. Listen to me.  You need to calm yourself, before you lose your mind.  And if you do lose your mind, someone else WILL be in charge of you.  Is that what you want? Deep breathing...keep doing it.  Read Uk's answer again.  She's smart, and she comes up with a lot of good advice.  You are obviously of a different culture, than most of the people who Answer here, so more info is needed, to try to figure out how to help you solve your problem.  Go back and edit your question, and give us more information, about what culture you are, why your parents are so against this, why your boyfriend feels the urgency to marry you.  He is not the only fish in the sea, and you are not going to run out of options, to meet other people in your life.  You need to step way back from this picture, and take a good look at it, and see it as it really is, not the emotional picture.  Your boyfriend is using fear to control you, and it is working.  Step back, and analyze this picture, as if it were someone else, in the situation. You need to stay in school and work on your english and do what is best for you.  Go for long walks and get some fresh air, that will clear your head, and help with your weight.  I have a weight problem too, so I know.  You just have to look at all of this from a different angle.  If this guy is shouting at you, he is abusing you.  This is verbal abuse.  If he does it to you now, this is the kind of person he is, and he will always be that person, and he will always verbally abuse you.  Is that what you want? Get rid of him!  He is controlling you and your thinking!  You can do much better, believe me.  Iylena

  6. you should go to the hospital. they will have some people there that would talk to you and help you. they will also give you some meds that turn you into another person. so go and call NOW!! 911!!! do it now!


  7. You're not depressed, you're less happy then you would like to be.  

    I don't believe anyone should die.  If you want to be happy count to 6 and do something you want to do.  Get help if you can and consider helping out in the community.  Help out at a food bank.

    Don't forget to count to SIX and then do something that will make u happy..  

  8. You are in love - focus on enjoying your love & strengthening it. Wait until you are old enough to marry without parents consent.

    College - it is very important you complete your studies. If he loves you enough he will wait for you to do that & love you at the same time. If he doesn't then you are better without his love.

    Weight - a lot of men like bigger ladies - they prefer them to smaller ones. You are not seeing this right.

    Death - Google Desiderata (short piece) & read it.

    Your English ability - your grammar needs working on but you have been perfectly able to communicate the difficulties you face.

    With very best wishes for now & your future, UK

  9. Ok honey take a deep breath and please listen to me. First off QUIT beating yourself up. Be kind to yourself, life always has a way of working out. who cares if your grammer is not up to par! You are a brave child to reach out to such an unforgiving audience. What do YOU want in and for your life? If you are underage, your parents have some say in marriage but are you sure you really want to jump into a marriage right now? You need to do some serious life gaining help for yourself before you get with anyone else and if your "love of your life" is shouting at you because you are trying to better yourself...well then maybe you need to take a step back and look at why he wants you in the first place. I tell my girls "to thine own self be true" it sounds like you have alot on your plate right now and it is really hard to make any kind of decisions with the way your feeling so just hold off on any major ones till some of the feeling get better about yourself and they can, but only if you want them too. Heres how...

    1. Get in your own corner and help fight for yourself- STOP any and all putdowns, belittlements- insults, anything that makes you feel bad to your own self from your own heart and words...STOP!

    2. STOP looking at the negative, yes it is there, but not forever...and you will be cheating yourself at the chance of a great life if you give in and take your own life. Not to mention if you parents care that much, you would be crushing them and whoever else loves you. And as far at the fat and friendship, a friend yourself first, you cant give what you dont have. You dont want to die, you want to live a better life with a better body and friends and a good husband and good job, right?  Your fat is finding your comfort in food, quit, start slow but start, walk, eat better, even a little bit each day will start to add up quickly and as soon as you see any kind of results you will be thrilled how fast it goes...but give yourself the chance. Go to and start getting good thoughts going thru your head, get the book Back to Love by Marianne Williamson and start to read it, it will help you so much. postpone love and marriage until you can give it your all, which right now you need to help yourself stop bleeding and heal the wounded heart that is gushing emotions right now. DONT make ANY decisions when your hurting, and get some B-100 complex vitamins to help the depression and give you some energy to start your new life, if you would like to email me feel free too, you can find my email and more about me at  I will help you if I can. I am a believer and my life is wonderful now compared to what it used to be, and I remember feeling about the same way you are know there is hope here! And about your pain and problems just keep saying "this too shall pass" And you have the greatest friend there is, if you dont know him you should...his name is Jesus. Who loves you so very much and wants you to give yourself a chance here to love yourself enough to fight for your life and win. It takes courage to call out for help and I commend you for doing so. Give yourself a chance honey, you can get thru this with flying colors and come out a winner.  

  10. I can tell by your post that you want help and you don't really want to die.

    I'm calling your bluff. You have a loser BF and your parents are not going to die either.

    You know what you need to do. Start exercising and slim down so you have a positive body image. Tell your BF that you are going to go to college and he should probably do the same.

    Your writing is not that great but I'll bet you speak perfect English.

    DO NOT miss the opportunity to attend College! You CAN lose weight. Maybe your Parents can help you with that as far as diet and a personal trainer.

    The only problem you have is a poor image of yourself. Dump the BF, diet and exercise and listen to your parents. Within a year you will have confidence and a feeling of purpose.

    It's that simple. Don't BS me with this suicide c**p. You want to live and you want to be loved. You need to start somewhere.

    Dump your loser BF and get on with your future!

    Just do it!  


    and if he wants you to stop studying then f*** him, make him wait.

  12. Hey, take a break from all the worry,slow down and get yourself together,you are in a little bit of a pickle,but it will work out for you,just take a day to yourself and no one else,and think about what you want,and what will make you happy,it is good to know that you are the kind of person that thinks of others,but sometimes you have to think of yourself too.and let me tell you, there are a lot of men out there that like a big woman,so do not be so down on yourself,or your looks.everyone is beautiful in there on way,so that makes you beautiful too,if you are going to school and trying to better yourself,then do not let anyone talk you into quitting,and if you feel that you need to tell your parents that you love the guy then do that,and tell your guy that you are into your studies to better yourself, and you need to go to college,if he truly loves you, he will understand,but please what ever you do, just remember that suicide is not the answer to anything,it is a permanent fix to a temporary problem,and that is no good for you,and your communication skills are not bad,believe in yourself and take the time to think your future through,you should look forward to your future ,and not dread it,be true to yourself because you hold the key to your own future,just don't let everyone get you so worried about everything,  just stand up for yourself and tell them how you feel,and they need to let you choose your own way,if they love you they will back off and start to listen to you,and do not hurry a marriage,take your time and find out if he is the right guy for you,marriage takes two to work and two to fail,so make your choices carefully,and keep your future in sight,and don't let anyone lead you away from your goals in life,hope this makes sense to you,and good luck in life...  

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