i don't know why...
i actually asked why, and this seemed like the best answer
"It seems very unique and mysterious to a lot of people, and thats why you probably like it without knowing anything about it.
If you really like it, learn the lnaguage and research some of the "internal workings" (ex. traditional culture, history, etc.) of Japan and try to visit sometime. You will have a much better understanding of what Japan is really like. Like what Dan said, it is anything but a fantasy land if you live there, so don't just say "I want to live there" without getting lots of information and an extended trip inder your belt."
...but i need somethin to hold me over that will tempt me make me antsy as little as possible. can any of you think of anything at all?
oh and don't say travel there, don't have the money, would love too, but i'm poor.