
I am desperately TTC and having no luck?

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Here is my story;

I had my last period on July 13th. It lasted 5 days. I usually have 28-29 day cycles. I bought a OPK and tested for 7 days. I got a positive result from my OPK on the 27th.

My fiance and I BD'd on the 25th and 27th. Since then I've had mild cramps for a few days now (they come and go), I had a terrible headache all day yesterday and for a few days after s*x I had a thin, white discharge.

I haven't had any spotting yet nor sore b*****s. I took a EPT test on the 3rd and I believe it had an EVAP line. I tested again this morning and got a Neg. I know it's too early to test, but I am 5 days before AF and the test I got said you can test that early. It almost broke my heart when I saw the Neg sign. What do you think is going on? Do you think I could be pregnant?

I am going to wait until Sun morn to test again. Hopefully AF doesn't arrive. I've heard that it can take 7-10 for implantation, then 3-5 after that to have bleeding... is that true?

Help me???




  1. those tests say that you can test that early, but it is still really hard for the hcg hormone to be picked up that early.  if i were you i would wait until a day after your period is due and take another test.  there is still a possibility that you can be pregnant, don't get to upset yet.  i know how hard it is riding this emotional roller coaster, but hang in'll happen :)  good luck!!!

  2. Of course the HPT says you can test early... because for SOME women, it's possible to get an early BFP.  But not that you've got a BFN, you'll have to run out and buy ANOTHER HPT and try again in a few days.  More $$$ for the HPT company.

    As difficult as it is to wait... the most cost effective use of HPTs is to wait until AF is late.  Basically, you only have about a 20-25% chance AT BEST of getting pregnant in any given month.  So the odds are always against you.  Why continue giving the HPT companies $$$ when most months AF will give you the BFN for free.  Once AF is a day late, then it's time to spend the money on testing with HPTs.

    Of course for those that want information over money, you can keep testing every day from about 5 days before AF until AF arrives.  The average women can expect to spend about $100 in HPTs if she does this just to find out a couple of days sooner she's pregnant.  But what's the point.

  3. A good indication that you are pregnant is if you have a creamy lotion like cervical mucus.  After ovulation you should return to being dry...if your not, you may be pregnant.  As for opk, if you are not pregnant this month, I advise that you bd the day you get a + and the following 72 hrs.  at least.  Opk's will tell you that you will ovulate w/in the next 48 hrs.  Also try to learn your body's signs of ovulation.  Again the easiest way is to pay attention to what your cervical mucus is doing. You can google cervical mucus during ovulation and read all about tell tale signs.  This is how I was able to conceive so quickly.  Good luck

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