
I am disgusted........?

by  |  earlier

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Now i know i also was arguing in this question, but i am disgusted at how rascist, homophobic and bigotted this person was in this question.

Why is it that when someone is being blatanly pig ignorant and abusive like this that yahoo won't do anything about it, but will delete a harmless question




  1. That question has now been deleted.

  2. Sorry, I couldn't access it.

  3. Alas, we mortals do not make the rules. It is our lot only to abide by them, no matter how disgusted we may be with them.

    When prats rule, gits come forth from the woodwork like mice in a flood!

  4. I'll admit he was immature, but to be honest I don't see where he was racist or bigoted. Perhaps I missed something in his post?? It would help me out if you could quote where you find him to be racist bigoted and homophobic. It was a lot to read maybe I missed something. He does seem to loose his temper and is quick to attack people with little provocation but I didn't see the rest of it.

    Also why are people attacking him for asking about harry potter in the first place? I am confused about that. The answer to his question seems to be that they just can't follow all the characters at Hogwarts or the storyline would be too confusing. I have actually never read any of the Potter books so I am just guessing here.

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