
I am doign a ladybug unit and i need ideas on lessons i can teach?

by  |  earlier

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the lessons have to have some music in them it is for a course i am takeing. i have found one song that i like its called "ladybug ladybug" just tyope that into youtube and will find it. the only problem is i cant think of an axtivity to go with the song i was thinkign 1st grade?




  1. why not have a poster of a lady bug and go over the body parts (students can label them, head, anntennaes,6 legs, etc...) or make it intergated with the human body... a poster where they can put the ladybug on the human body parts, put a ladybug on a stick

    Visit Eric Carle's web site for great activities... a ladybug party, grow ladybugs etc...

  2. you could make a book about the life cycle.  here is a website with a life cycle diagram.  

    you can also buy a live ladybug kit to actually watch the life cycle from

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