
I am doing a bank deposit, and using the calculator tape as my deposit slip. Please help!

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I have a $20.00 bill, .50 cents, and some checks. So, how do I put the two cash deposits on there, adding cash only, then add all the checks seperatly, then get a grand total of the whole deposit. (so basically GT of all cash, GT of all checks and then one GT of all? Thank You




  1. If you mean that you're going to use the calculator tape as the actual deposit slip instead of the deposit slip that you get in the back of your checks or the ones you get at the bank, that won't work. Each back has special slips for deposits. The bank won't use your tape as a deposit slip, they'll simply use the tape for the addition. Banks have to use slips that are either with your checks (preprinted deposit slips) or counter deposit slips (generic). These slips have numbers printed along the bottom that the bank needs in order to process your transaction properly. You need to fill out an actual deposit slip. If you don't have any on you, you can get some at the bank.

  2. When I do this, I list the total of cash, coin and checks on the deposit slip.  However, I use the calculator tape to list the individual checks instead of listing each check individually on the deposit slip.  I don't list cash and coin on the calculator tape.  

    However, be sure and check with the bank and ask if this is acceptable with them.  

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