
I am doing a homeschool synthesis essay for English 225. Do you know of any articles against homeschooling?

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I was homeschooled K-12 and was wondering if anybody knows of articles that are articulate and thoughtful in their opposition towards homeschooling? I have found some, but most of them are simply homeschool hate letters. And of course, the articles supporting homeschooling are full of nothing but praise. I really don't want to get into the 'homeschool/abusive household' thing becuase it simply is not valid homeschooling. Any help would be much appreciated.




  1. I've never seen an articulate and thoughtful article against homeschooling.  The NEA recently had an article on their website in which the author railed on and on about how people should leave education into the hands of the experts.  That non-certified people could never teach or propose to know anything about education.  At the bottom of the article this "expert" was identified.... as a school janitor.  If I can find the article again I will edit my answer and post a link to it.

    Here it is:

    It is mostly opinion by someone who apparently thinks that no uncertified person OTHER THAN HIMSELF is qualified to make recomendations or decisions about education.

  2. Sorry, all the articles I've ever seen against homeschooling really only had personal opinion or ignorance as a reason to be against homeschooling and nothing to back up those opinions.

    There is an old Time article I just remembered . It has a definite strong bias against homeschooling and seems to want to prove how wrong it is but does it horribly because it's really opinion and personal bias that are at the root, or they've singled out specific cases to try to prove their point.

    ADDED: Omg, I just read that article at the NEA. Wow. Can we say ego issues?

  3. That NEA article is c**p. Poorly written and with no facts backing his's merely the same ranting against homeschooling that we see on this page over and over, with no verifiable data.

    The fact is that there are NO facts that help an oppositional position against homeschooling. Even the federal courts have found this to be true in case laws...there are, however, several nonbiased studies that show that homeschooling is effective and beneficial. That says it all right there. Those can be found at hslda under 'homeschooling' tab, and then down to research.

  4. there is an opposing viewpoints book on homeschoolings.  The articles they include are usually well written.

    Home schooling / Cindy Mur, book editor.

    Other Title : Homeschooling

    Series Title : Opposing viewpoints series

    At issue (San Diego, Calif.)

    Publisher : Farmington Hills, MI : Greenhaven Press ; San Diego : Thomson Gale, c2003.

  5. I don't know of specific articles by this group because I choose not to read their material, but certainly some of the most consistant opposition comes from the NEA.  I would look to their publications most definitely.

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