
I am doing a poster for fair and i need help it has to be something unusual about cows what should i do???

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so i have to do this educational poster for fair and i don't know what to do it on. so i need some suggestions on what to do!!

have any??




  1. I love the idea of talking about Hardware Disease and feeding cows magnets-I also know that some college did surgery on one of their cows and put a window right into her stomach, so that students could see the stomachs in action. Pretty cool.

    You could research some of the cool things dairy owners do for their cows-automatic milker, misting systems...some cows even get waterbeds!

  2. you could do the misconceptions of cow tipping!

    my dad told me that cows sleep laying down, not standing up.

    so there is no way of actually going to a cow and tipping it over.

    you could do some more research on it and see what you find out!

    look at the website below!

  3. Cows are ruminants.  They have 4 stomachs.

    They can and will eat pieces of metal and get what is known as "Hardware disease".  The treatment for hardware disease is to feed your cow a magnet.  

    No, I'm not kidding.

  4. Two suggestions:

    I remember seeing a picture of a cow with a marking that looked like Mickey Mouse.

    Then, there was a rancher who wrote in big orange letters "C O W" so that excited hunters would not shoot her.

    Good Luck

  5. You can make a diagram of the 4 sections of their stomach. That's the most unusual thing about cows, I'd say.

  6. 4 stomachs  

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