
I am doing a project on Obama, I need help!?

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My teacher let us pick who we were voting for and so i picked Barack of course. Anyway, Some friends in my class and I were in a group. Our teacher told us that we have to write about Obama and make like a poster board all about him. We have to write reasons why we want hin to win and stuff. Anyway, my friends and i had chosen what parts about him do we each have. I chose Michelle Obama and his family. I need some info on his family. And please include websites.

(Warning: Please Don't Write Mean And Stupid Comments About Obama Because I Don't Really Care. All I Need Is Help, Not Insults. If You Have Nothing Nice To Say, Don't Say Them At All...)




  1. Obama is like the most inspected person in the usa because he's running for president and you tell me you can not find anything about him on the web? my god where has the world gone to.

    Just google him for christ sake.

  2. ooo ooo ooo i know. you can say that he raised a family, and that OBVIOUSLY makes him a great community organizers. And hey, this is america. Community organizers can become presidents right?

    Oh, don't forget about the fact that he thinks its okay to kill babies that survived abortions.  


    Enjoy :)

  4. google it you should be able to find some stuff

  5. Why Barack of course?

  6. Well I agree with's impossible not to find info on him. But heres some websites.

    That last one says it has some allegations of scandalous info on him.

    google had 21 million searches for obama and 67 million for mccain. hehehe.

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