
I am doing a survey on what pets people have?

by Guest33626  |  earlier

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Guinea Pigs?





  1. Currently..

    2 dogs

    1 cat

    5 rats.

    I've also had 4 ducks, another dog (he passed in Feb.), another cat.. hamsters, a gerbil, a guinea pig, and a rabbit.

  2. 1 dog

  3. I have a Winter White hamster named Nuve Blanca Castañeda.


        I have Yellow Cockatiel(type of bird) named Lluvio Castañeda.


        I used to have a Winter hamster named Munchi, but she passed away in December.

  4. At this moment I have a Great Dane, a cat and a guinea pig.  However, I love rats and used to have them a few years ago.  I would like to get more in the future if possible.

  5. i harvest flies. i grow magots from very very old lettace in my garbage can..then they slowly mature and age into 24 hr lifespanned wonders

  6. dog, 3 gerbils, 2 mice, 1 fish

  7. 2 Dogs (toy fox terrier and rottweiler/queensland heeler mix)

    4 Rabbits (Lion head/wild mix [all of them])

    5 Fish (3 African Cichilds; 1 Plecostomus; 1 Beta)

    I had 2 dogs before the current 2 we have now: 1 Australian Cattle Dog and 1 Pekingese. Both have been gone since the Firestorm of 2003 here in So Cal. We also used to have 6 African Zebra finches, but they all died. :[ We raised that specific kind of bird for years, and when the last couple, the two brothers died, we just stopped.

  8. 2 cats

    2 horses

    1 hamster

  9. I have one rabbit and one dog.

  10. 3 Dogs

    3 Horses

    4 Birds

    1 Rabbit

    1 Venus Fly Trap

  11. 1) Pure bred German Shepherd dog

    2)  Tuxedo cat.

  12. 1 extremely spoiled German Shepherd named DakotaSierra

    and one very adorable Bunny named Oreo

  13. Five cats. (I promise I'm not a crazy cat lady, haha.)

  14. Puppy, tarantula, lizard, rats, mice, and a corn snake

  15. i have 3 dogs, 3 rats, & 1 fish.

  16. 1 dog

    2 cats

    1 newt

  17. I have 3 dogs (2 beagles and 1 golden retriever)

  18. 3 fishes

    2 hamster

    1 snake

    2 birds

    and soon adopting a dog!!!


    good luck

  19. at my house:

    1 dog

    2 hamsters

    at my grandmas house:

    2 dogs

    2 cats

    at my sisters house:

    1 dog

    1 cat

    just wanted to give you some extras lol  : )

  20. Cats-----3



    Hamsters-----none anymore




    Guinea Pigs-----none anymore

    Other-----2 ferrets, 2 rabbits, 1 leopard gecko :)

  21. 2 turtles

    3 rabbits

    1 hamster

    1 gerbile

    1 kitten

    4 dogs

    1 bird

    10 frogs[little frogs]

    5 fish

    1 betta fish [they like to be alone]

  22. 3 cats and 3 birds( cockatiels)

  23. 2 cats

    1 dog


    0 hamsters

    2 horses

    0 sheep

    0 cows

    0 guinea pigs

    1 rabbit

    1 bird

    thats it

  24. 1 dog 1 cat 6 chinchillas and 1 bird

  25. 2 dogs (black lab and a German Shepherd border collie mix)

    1 shorthair cat

    17 goldfish out in a pond

    13 white cloud fish also out in a pond

    1 leucistic leopard gecko

  26. Two little budgies (parakeets) named Ember and Aqua. (^_^)

  27. 2 dogs 2 kats

  28. 2 Dogs- Pembroke Welsh Corgis

    1 Cat- Domestic, 3 legged

  29. 4 cats and a boyfriend

  30. Haha I have a lot.

    8 parakeets

    2 common grackles

    1 house sparrow

    2 guinea pigs (soon to be a few more, the female is pregnant)

    2 adult hamsters and a few babies (still in the nest)

    1 13 lined ground squirrel

    1 rat

    3 betta fish

    1 goldfish

    1 Japanese fire newt

    1 Morrocan toad

    9 American toads

    5 Fire bellied toads

    and a few (about 4) grey tree frogs

  31. I have many cats and a pigeon :]

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