
I am doing a talent show and i need a funny skit for kids ages 7,10,11! help?

by  |  earlier

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okay. i entered a talent show with my cousins. we are doing a skit, with singing. any help? we were going to have a theme ' nussiness women.' any help?




  1. huh?

  2. One from the Scouts in England.

    A boy runs onto the stage very scared shouting, "the vinder vipers comming", and runs off stage the other side.

    Another bor (or girl) runs on to the stage, also very fearful and also shouting "the vinder vipers comming", also runs away.

    A boy dressed up as an old man walks on to stage, wearing rubber boots and carrying a ladder and bucket.  He says in a heavy German accent, "I'm der vinder viper and I've come to vipe der vinders".

    Exit stage left to enthusiastic applause.

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