
I am doing an art project on superstitions at school and was wondering if any1 knew an artist connection 2 use

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I need an artist connection for my superstitions work plz?




  1. Do you mean visual artist?  Or would any artist do?

    Stevie Wonder, for example, did a song titled "Superstition".  A real hot rocker!

    Or do you mean artists who HAD superstitions?  Louie Armstrong was famous for his reliance on a wide range of folk medicines and OTC remedies.

    I'm wracking my brain to come up with painters who had similar superstitions, but afraid I can't come up with any just now.

  2. try looking at chinese art the use of dragons in their art is superstition I think!

    Try Charlotte Klingler search in google and see there is a painting by her about supertitions

  3. black cats are associated with superstition, there must be plenty of artists who have painted black cats

  4. if you can't find one look for religious artwork or like cultist artworks (human sacrifice etc) and talk about how religion and superstition are similar because they both involve doing certain things (eg sacrifice) to ensure favourable events, that's what i'd do =]

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