
I am downloading WOW and it is really slow how can i improve it?

by  |  earlier

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it is taking a day to do 33%




  1. Clean it . delete some old files

  2. try another file if this file is so your connection speed is low buy DSL connection from the internet service providers.

  3. get better internet speeds

  4. it depends on the mirror you are downloaidng it from, how many other people are using the same mirrot, your connection speed and distance to the mirror.

    So unfortinatly you are in it for the long haul im afraid, you could have bought the game in disc form save time downloading. But there is not much youo can do know.

    You can try not using msn, browser etc while it is downloading, it will run slighty faster.

  5. you on dial up

  6. get yourself a fast internet connection(adsl or dsl)

    get yourself a good downloading program(download accelator)

    try to download it from another site(by searching in the google)

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