
I am due to go to Tenerife, is the Timeshare Touts still a nuiscance?

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I am due to go to Tenerife, is the Timeshare Touts still a nuiscance?




  1. I used to be one of them, and I just talk to them for a minute or two, then move on.  They usually take a firm "no" pretty well, just like the gypsies...;)

  2. They can be intrusive anywhere.

    We always tell them "we live here" - little village in the North of the Island called ........!  Swot up a name before you go.

  3. Just seen this on the BBC website :

    guess you should take care

  4. Don't know, but they are getting boat loads of African illigal immigrants arriving all the time, they just get off a boat and walk up the beach.  It was on television in the UK last summer.

  5. yes, there are a pain, i wish they would get a propper job ! we are supposed to be on holiday, so s*d off touts !!

  6. dont know, but i found the best way of getting shut. with a nice smile and we're going home in a couple of hours.

  7. The municipality (council) area of Arona (which covers Los Cristianos and most of Las Americas) has recently banned OPCs (street touts) from operating. This has meant that most of them have moved to Adeje which cover the far end of Las Americas - if you avoid this end you should be ok, however these days most of the OPC´s are pretty friendly and a simple"no" should suffice, they are also a good source of local knowledge, so make friends with one or two, you will be  suprised.

    Generally, there are about 80% less OPCs on the streets than five years ago, with most hoiday and timeshare companies opting to sell via promotional holidays rather than drag people of the street.

  8. The trick is this, if you are a  female you will be asked by a very presentable young male and if you are a male then by a nice looking young girl to pick a scratch card and you will always win a substantial prize (so has every body else) and that is the opener they use to get you to go to a different location to collect your prize where you will be asked to take part in a promotional discussion etc (2 hrs) which at the end you will be asked to sign up to a share scheme or something similar and pay a down payment and that is when you lose your money never to see it again just keep saying no thank  you and most important keep walking whilst saying it

  9. Yes, they're still about.  I live in Tenerife and the best thing to say is either you live here or if they ask if you speak English, just say no and keep walking.  as soon as they hear no, they leave you alone!  when asked if he spoke english my dad said "no but my wife does"....they actually walked away and tried talking to her instead!  honestly, no is the best thing to say whatever they ask....oh and don't fall for the scratch card scam for the markets, its timeshare related too!  enjoy your holiday!

  10. just ask the female ones to sleep with you before any agreements are signed

    that should take care of em

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