
I am dying for a.......?

by  |  earlier

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mango sundae now....wat r u dying for now???




  1. for my eye to stop hurting and a hot fudge brownie sundae

  2. shower... hehehehe....

  3. bubble tea. want one.......soooooooo...BADLY!

  4. finish my homework.... ugh.. so  malas...

  5. Dunkin Donuts Boston Cream.

    Skang jugak aku pi beli!!


    Yuanyuan!! lol...i have to sign out to read the Q hahahahah!! he blocked me scary ah...

    and i can't believe Bean wants to ram me lol!! i will throw a bowl of curry to his face! hahaha!

  6. haha u funny im dying to get out of iraq...

  7. i am dying for a bumper car to ram an abnormal and insecure poor excuse of a s*****e.. er, i mean man!;...

    Yaya, lol!  give it to us girls on how to always put one above the guys!  He thinks he is safe by blocking us.  He can think again, lol!

  8. For a long shower!

    I'm sticky and grimy. Been a long day...out for a birthday party in the morning, then to bowling in the afternoon and slogged the last 3 hours in the kitchen making caramel popcorn.

    Yeah, that's how good a cook I am - 3 hours to make popcorn!

    Next time, I'll buy!!

    Thanks for letting me rant off my frustrations...!!

  9. i'm dying for time to go faster....

  10. cappucino ice-cream!!

    and also i need to get some rest as i havent sleep from yesterday. So tired.

  11. I am dying for a......curry

  12. Potato chips! And perhaps some blocks of chocolate, someone took mine  

  13. lamborghini

  14. like, my lunch? WHENS LUNCH

  15. disebabkan aku ni orang kampung ... i am dying for a ulam - ulam , beb! food from omputih made ni .. aku tak pandai sangat..!!!

  16. yogurt or maybe hot chocolate..  

  17. for someone I love...........

  18. lots of chocolate!!

  19. i dying for a cheese cake!!!

    PEACE =D

  20. I'm dying for a warm hug and kisses.. so cold in condo.

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