
I am dyslexic should I bash away at answers without checking spellings?

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If I stop to check every word that doesn't look right I feel my flow will dry.




  1. SpellCheckers are research proven to be great for dyslexics!

       Give my website a check, I want your opinion on some reading resources.

    Read the poems for 15 minutes. E-mail me, and tell me what you think of it, and if you need to read aloud for meaning!


  2. just do what you want to do

  3. Write the thing and then use the spell check. Having to check your spelling while you are writing will definitely impact the flow of your creativity. Write it down and worry later.

  4. Type first, then go back and sort out the spelling later. Always go back and revise and review your writing, spell checking can just be a part of that process.  Spell check is a great tool especially for us dyslexics, don't be afraid to retype the same word several times until it is close enough for the spell checker to pickup.

  5. I'm dyspeptic. My flow dried up decades ago.

  6. yes!

    thats what im trying to do dont you just hate it?...

  7. Bash away to your hearts content, then go back and edit, you must try to be as accurate as you can.  The more you check your spelling the better you will become, I am speaking from experience.

  8. no, check your spelling. if you are having that much trouble seek help there are many ways to make your life easier and work on this. talk to your teacher or guidance counsular and tell them you are having trouble.

  9. I think you are in school to attempt to do things in a correct manner. many jobs in your future will require accuracy. I think I would practice trying to do your best.

    when I wack away at answers I also mix the letters up and my flow drys up or my mind will switch to a different thought.  I understand your frustration.  When you are on a messenger fooling around with friends let your thoughts flow and take a break then.  You would not want your grades to slip because of dyslexia.   Best Wishes

  10. Finish writing and then check the spelling that way you can still get out your thoughts and your work is readable to everyone else when you are done

  11. Why don't u keep writing then go back & edit. That way your flow won't be disrupted & you'll have the chance to correct all your writing at once.

  12. Do you mean Yahoo Answer posting?

    If so, go with the flow, but then check the spelling.  It doesn't matter when they're posted.  The reason to check your spelling before posting is because there are more critics than people who understand dyslexia out there.  They will discredit your ideas if you have spelling and other mechanical errors.

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