
I am eleven years old now please take me seriously i want to make a difference ?

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[continued]in this world i would like to open a fund raiser for African children who have lost the their parents due to aids if u have any suggestions about this please tell me also i would like to volunteer at an animal shelter! can a eleven year old do this ? please give me some good awnsers PS:i am in middle school if this helps!




  1. That's wonderful that you want to help.  Don't let anyone tell you that you are too young!  The world needs more young adults like yourself with a need to change the world.  Gandhi once said that "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

    With that said...I will attempt to help you out here.  Running a charity is an extreme amount of work, and would require many more people than yourself, not to mention a lot more money than I'm guessing you (or even your parents) have.  In addition to that, it would require you to travel abroad to set up this charity.  All of these things I would guess are out of your budget at the moment.  But never give up this dream!!  It more than likely will be a reality when the time is right.

    Until then, no one says you can't start small.  Even at your age, you have the potential to change the world (even if it is only one person at a time).  You can start by donating to charities that are already set up.  Depending on how much money you have (and will have consistantly through an income or allowance) you could sponsor a child through charities such as World Vision.  This costs $30 a month.  If this is too much, maybe you could even split the cost with some friends or with your parents.  This gives money to a community in Africa, and allows you to become pen pals with a child in the community.  You can learn more at  If this is too much, remember that every penny counts when donating, even if you can only afford $5 a month.  Find a charity that works on a project you believe your research to make sure the charity is credible...and look to see how you can donate your time or money to help their cause.

    As far as the animals go, it never hurts to ask what age you have to be.  If you are too young, perhaps ask your parents if you can adopt a pet from the local shelter.  That is a surefire way to completely change the life of one animal.  Maybe ask around to see if people you know would be willing to adopt a pet as well.  That only takes the effort of talking to people.

    If you want to do more...don't stop trying!  Plenty of places in your own community need volunteers.  Ask at hospitals, nursing homes, ask your teacher for ideas.  You are never too young to begin helping others.  As you get older, and you have more resources and money, you can use these experiences to help even more people.

    Good luck!!

  2. if you want to make a difference, go to school, get all aces, become a doc for infectious diseases, volunteer for doctors without borders.  Its a 10-15 year plan.  Good luck!

  3. wow! that's really cool. I am 12 and I want to make a difference, too. I dont know how to help though. but email me at:

    p.s. you have to be 12 to work and the humane society, sorry! but You should make a club at school or around the neighborhood for other kids who want to make a difference. they might know some ways and that way you could all be in a group and really, really make a difference good luck!

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