
I am entering middle school. 7th grade. And I really need to know what its like and what to put in my locker.

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My lockers are really skinny and tall. They also have a built in lock. And I am completley clueless when it comes to middle school. Help would be really loved. Thanks so much=]]




  1. Textbooks and things you don't need to use until your next class.

  2. i remeber my first day of middle school

    i was so scaried

    but in a week you'll get used to it

    great times

  3. You're going to put your books in your locker so that you don't have to carry them all around all day. You'll go to your locker and get just the books you need until you have time to get to your locker again. Then at the end of the day you'll only take the books home that you need for your homework. Be sure your locker is locked and don't get in the habit of letting others use your locker. If you bring your lunch you can keep it in your locker too. Don't bring expensive electronics to school and put them in your locker, and don't keep  money in your locker. It's too easy for someone to break into your locker. Have a great year!  

  4. Books and your backpack.

    If you wear makeup, some extra foundation in case it comes off during gym, maybe some breath mints too.

    Thats really it..

    Trust me, after a week it feels like youve been there forever, so its not hard at all(:.

    good luckkk.!

  5. Well, i am going into 7th grade too, but 6th grade was the start of middle school for me. But i always kept, extra paper and pencils, because you will run out like right before a class where you have to take like 50 pages of notes. jk!!!  But keep your textbooks in there. Never try to haul them around all day. Also, get a small mirror and brush. it comes in handy. Also, try to decorate it will a picture or a few pretty magnets. I hope i helped. Good luck to you in 7th grade! Wish me luck too!

  6. I have the same locker. In those lockers, there is a hook for your coat, so put your coat or jacket on the hook along with your book bag. The bottom part is for books and the top part is for regular stuff like pencils and all that what not. You can keep mirrors, dry erase boards, and stuff like that on the other half of the locker. You will most likely have a schedule and maybe 6-9 classes. Depends on the school. Try to mesmerize your locker combinations and your schedule by the first two weeks.  Your teachers will be meaner and you will have more homework. Sorry to break it to you, but the drama will begin. Welcome to Puberty, cause this is the age where it starts. You might have a boyfriend, but dont expect it to last that long. You might lose a couple friends on the way, but you win some you lose some, so enjoy these 2 years while you can.

    Also going to seventh grade, but middle school starts 6th grade for me.  

  7. like high school but smaller. You should have EVERYTHING you need for your classes in your locker trust me its the best thing you could do. a mirrior and anything else you think you would use throughout the day that you will ues because then its just taking up space.  

  8. in my school they have closets in your homeroom where you can put your backpack and jackets in or they might let you bring you carry a backpack around the school in your school. but in your locker you put the books that your not going to need for that certain time of the day and carry around the ones that you are going to can also put pictures, poster, a dry erase board so you don't forget stuff and a locker shelf to help you be more organized.

  9. Haha 7th grade don't even worry about it

    you think 7th grade is a worry wait till you start high school......

    dont decorate your locker just keep what you need in your locker.....decorating your locker is really stupid

    7th grade is nothing to worry about

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