
I am excepted to get my cycle soon and i start school this will be the second time how do i prevent it?

by  |  earlier

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yeah to continue i don't want to get it in class and have it bleed through embrassing. and i don't want to wear a pad every day. girls only o and please help




  1. Wear a panty liner.

  2. wear light days e-tra longs, extra coverage.

  3. You cannot prevent your period from happening.It is nature and it is supposed to happen.You need to wear a pad everyday,especially on heavier days.Pantyliners and a smaller version of a pad,much much thinner and less bulky for light days.You might want to try Always Ultra Thin with Wings pads(You would want the ones in the green package).They are longer,They are thinner and less bulky,and they have wings which flap over the edges of your underwear for more protection.You can get pantyliners wherever they sell feminine products(Pads,tampons etc etc).They are on the same isle as pads.

  4. panty liners are like pads but they are thinner...they are only for when ur period is light...if u have a heavy flow  u need to use regular pads. u cant prevent ur period from happening...just make sure u wear pads and check them often

  5. wear a panty liner just in case and whatever you do, don't mess with mother nature.  when i was younger i only had 3 - 4 day periods.  i went on the depo shot for 3 years, didn't have a period at all the entire time and have had horrible periods ever since.  yeah, being a woman sucks sometimes, at least once a month anyway, but let nature do what it needs to do and don't play around with it.  the potential consequences are NOT worth it!!!

  6. If you flow heavy and wear a pantyliner you will bleed through.  A pantyliner can be purchased at the store on the same aisle as the pads.  There is nothing wrong with wearing a pad every day - it's what you are supposed to do when you have your period.

    You can take a pad in your purse, wear a pantyliner and when you notice blood, put on the pad.

    You can't stop your period from coming.

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