
I am extremely sore how do i get rid of the pain?

by  |  earlier

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i was playing football all day yesterday and i woke up and i could barely move. im bored and want to go outside but i can barely move. how does it go away?




  1. In your case: time. Sounds like you over did it. Hopefully you fully stretched or warmed up before getting out there. May want to consider taking some Advil or Ibuprofen and resting. You may also want to consider stretching a little now. A good hot bath and plenty of water doesn't hurt either.

    Best of luck!

  2. beer

  3. Well..if it's from exercise, you should try to move the muscles a bit more, strech 'em out- and MASSAGE!

    It hurts, but it breaks up the lactic acid that's causing you pain..

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